anyone else scratching their heads that Carolina made it to the NHL finals. I mean...Carolina. A state where one of its senators is perhaps one of the most hated men in America and its major industry (after tobacco) is perhaps sex amongst cousins...if they win I think the NHL will have lost whatever luster and class it had...
BTW, I have family and friends in the Carolinas....I can say all of this with no guilt....
Former NYCer now living in Kentucky. 15 years in NYC has left him with a sharp tongue and a slightly jaded soul. Now taking the time to enjoy a slower pace of life, a good bourbon, and finding himself all over again.
Friday, May 31, 2002
Apparently it wasn't the Last Crusade after all. Yep, Harrison Ford is whipping it out one more time and bringing Mr. Indiana Jones back to the screen for the fourth time.
I think people who saw the third one for the sole fact that it was to be the last Indiana Jones film are feeling pretty gyped right now. I might sue over it just like those guys in Florida who are suing Penthouse for teasing them with nude pics of Anna Kournikova when it really wasn't her but some rich bitch who married the guy who makes those god-awful Benetton clothes. If they can sue so can I.....after all they did say it was the LAST crusade....
I think people who saw the third one for the sole fact that it was to be the last Indiana Jones film are feeling pretty gyped right now. I might sue over it just like those guys in Florida who are suing Penthouse for teasing them with nude pics of Anna Kournikova when it really wasn't her but some rich bitch who married the guy who makes those god-awful Benetton clothes. If they can sue so can I.....after all they did say it was the LAST crusade....
As most of you know, I will be working at the Tony Awards this weekend as a talent escort -- the person who gets the presenter to their seat, to press, all that fun stuff. Normally by now I would know who I would be working with (Dixie Carter two years ago and Lily Tomlin last year) but this year because they have not solidified their line-up of presenters so I won't know until Sunday who I have.
Also...bad luck for France at the World Cup. That is one sucky way to lose a game. Especially when you are the reigning champions. Senegal can be complimented on holding on to that slim lead but it seems more like a fluke they won than an actually true win....
Also...bad luck for France at the World Cup. That is one sucky way to lose a game. Especially when you are the reigning champions. Senegal can be complimented on holding on to that slim lead but it seems more like a fluke they won than an actually true win....
News story of the day....
Pet Hippo Seized From Man's Yard
SAN DIEGO (May 28) - California fish and game officials are investigating a San Diego-area man who kept a rare 500-pound pygmy hippopotamus as a pet in his suburban backyard for at least a decade, a newspaper reported on Saturday. Surprised state officials seized the female hippo, believed to be 12 to 15 years old, from Arthur Stehly, a resident of Escondido, who has more than 100 animals living on his property, including emus, peacocks, geese, goats and ducks, according to The San Diego Union-Tribune.
''I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it,'' state game warden Zeke Awbrey told the newspaper. ''No one expects to find a giant hippo living in someone's backyard.''
The newspaper reported that officials were investigating Stehly for allegedly not having a permit to own a hippo. It said officials seized the animal in late January after a tip from a real estate agent showing a nearby home.
Neither the hippo's owner nor fish and game officials could be reached for comment.
The hippo is now at a local center for wild animals and would be shipped on June 1 to a refuge in Florida that houses other pygmy hippos, the newspaper said. The animals, found along streams, forests and swamps in West Africa, number between 2,000 to 4,000 in the wild. Neighbors in Escondido, about 30 miles from San Diego, said they had known about the hippo for years, but had never seen it, the newspaper said.
''I know he used the hippo manure on his garden,'' said Bill Ritcher. ''It can smell pretty dang bad.''
Pet Hippo Seized From Man's Yard
SAN DIEGO (May 28) - California fish and game officials are investigating a San Diego-area man who kept a rare 500-pound pygmy hippopotamus as a pet in his suburban backyard for at least a decade, a newspaper reported on Saturday. Surprised state officials seized the female hippo, believed to be 12 to 15 years old, from Arthur Stehly, a resident of Escondido, who has more than 100 animals living on his property, including emus, peacocks, geese, goats and ducks, according to The San Diego Union-Tribune.
''I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it,'' state game warden Zeke Awbrey told the newspaper. ''No one expects to find a giant hippo living in someone's backyard.''
The newspaper reported that officials were investigating Stehly for allegedly not having a permit to own a hippo. It said officials seized the animal in late January after a tip from a real estate agent showing a nearby home.
Neither the hippo's owner nor fish and game officials could be reached for comment.
The hippo is now at a local center for wild animals and would be shipped on June 1 to a refuge in Florida that houses other pygmy hippos, the newspaper said. The animals, found along streams, forests and swamps in West Africa, number between 2,000 to 4,000 in the wild. Neighbors in Escondido, about 30 miles from San Diego, said they had known about the hippo for years, but had never seen it, the newspaper said.
''I know he used the hippo manure on his garden,'' said Bill Ritcher. ''It can smell pretty dang bad.''
Thursday, May 30, 2002
"Prospicience" was this year's spelling bee's winning word. I did a spelling bee in the seventh grade. I screwed up on the first word and was out. It was a shocker for most people but I just lied and said that I threw the competition because I didn't want to win. Hey, I'll admit it....I screwed up the word "Access." Thank God I don't work for Access Hollywood. That could be potentially embarassing.
I don't remember if i mentioned this, but the Thursday episode of (646) Guy is up...I tend to publish it around midnight so there's always a new episode for you to read
There is something to be said about temping. It can be a great job and it can be a nice way to make money while getting hands on experience in a wide variety of areas. But at the same time, you can get bored pretty damn easily.
Anyway....tonight I go to the orientation meeting for this year's Tony Awards. I'm hoping to be working with Mary Tyler Moore, Whoopi Goldberg, or even Calista Flockhart. If they put with Hugh Jackman...I may cry from joy....too bad Ben isn't the show I mean
Anyway....tonight I go to the orientation meeting for this year's Tony Awards. I'm hoping to be working with Mary Tyler Moore, Whoopi Goldberg, or even Calista Flockhart. If they put with Hugh Jackman...I may cry from joy....too bad Ben isn't the show I mean
The Thursday episode of (646) Guy will be up in a moment but first we have the news story of the day...
'Nancy Drew' Author Benson Dies
.c The Associated Press
TOLEDO, Ohio (AP) - Mildred Wirt Benson, the author who created Nancy Drew, girl sleuth, and inspired generations of young women with the teen-age heroine's spunk, independence and resourcefulness, has died at 96.
Benson fell ill Tuesday at The Blade newspaper, where she wrote a weekly column about daily life and the elderly. She died later at a hospital.
Using the pen name Carolyn Keene, Benson wrote 23 of the 30 original Nancy Drew mysteries about the stylishly dressed, golden-haired rich girl who tooled around in her own roadster and solved crimes.
Dozens of ghost writers followed Benson, and the Nancy Drew series is still in print. It has sold over 200 million books in 17 languages.
Benson was paid $125 per book and never collected royalties from the books, movies and board games. She was bound by an agreement with the publisher not to reveal her identity as the series author, but it became known in 1980 when she testified in a court case involving Nancy Drew's publisher.
``I always knew the series would be successful,'' Benson said in a December interview with The Associated Press. ``I just never expected it to be the blockbuster that it has been. I'm glad that I had that much influence on people.''
Benson was a journalist for 58 years and wrote more than 130 books, including the Penny Parker mystery series, and countless short stories. But she is best known for creating Drew, a 16-year-old with golden blond hair who was as smart as she was beautiful.
The always-perfect teen detective wore stylish cardigan sweater sets, white gloves and heels while climbing through attics and haunted mansions in search of clues. She caught jewel thieves, kidnappers and other criminals with the help of her River Heights pals, tomboy George and the pretty, plump Bess. Nancy's father, handsome attorney Carson Drew, praised everything she did.
In the first Nancy Drew book, in 1930, she uncovered the hidden will in ``The Secret of the Old Clock.'' Twelve books later she helped a retired actress recover her stolen Persian cats in ``The Clue of the Tapping Heels.''
Fans say the books allowed girls and young women to dream of exciting careers at a time when females had few role models in print. Celebrities like actress Demi Moore and journalist Barbara Walters have said they were inspired by the daring detective.
``I grew up on Nancy Drew and the Bobbsey Twins,'' Walters said in 1998. ``The Bobbsey Twins were goody-goody, and Nancy Drew was fearless. I wanted to be somewhere between both.''
``Every woman wanted to be her,'' said Suzanne Meglan, who was shopping at a suburban Columbus bookstore Wednesday. She read the books and bought them for her daughter. Now her grandchildren are reading them.
Harriet Adams, daughter of original publisher Edward Stratemeyer, took over the Nancy Drew series and directed writers in the 1950s to make the stories shorter and faster-paced.
Adams died in 1982 and Nancy Drew was sold to Simon & Schuster, which uses a number of ``Carolyn Keenes.'' Nancy evolved into a halter-top wearing, roller-blading high schooler who hung out at the mall. She traded her roadster for a convertible.
Benson never cared for the ``modern'' Nancy and refused to sign her name on any of the new books. In a way, she was like the character she made famous - independent and adventurous.
She loved swimming and diving, and remembered jumping from bridges into the Iowa River during her college days. She learned to fly at 59 and traveled around the world, flying to archaeological digs in Central America.
Benson began writing in Ladora, Iowa, where she was born July 10, 1905. She wrote children's stories when she was in grade school and won her first writing award at 14.
``I had no other thought except that I wanted to write,'' she said.
Benson was the first person to receive a master's degree in journalism at the University of Iowa in 1927, according to the school.
She was introduced to journalism through her first husband, Asa Wirt, who worked with The AP. In 1944, Benson began working at the former Toledo Times and later at The Blade.
Despite failing eyesight and diminished hearing, she continued to write. The day after she was diagnosed with lung cancer in 1997, she was back at her desk working on her next column.
``She was gutsy and daring, a living embodiment of her Nancy Drew heroine,'' said John Robinson Block, publisher and editor in chief of The Blade.
Benson recalled her lifelong love of books in her final column, published in The Blade on Wednesday. ``I consider it an honor to have been born near the turn of the 20th century, at about the time when public libraries were first coming into popular use,'' she wrote.
The Nancy Drew books now compete with ``The Royal Diaries,'' a historical fiction series by Scholastic Books, and the American Girl series.
Beth Puffer, manager of the Bank Street Bookstore in New York, said the original Nancy Drew books are a bit outdated for today's young readers.
``In other ways, they're universal - a good mystery, good character, a good female protagonist,'' she said. ``They sell kind of slowly but steadily. My sense is it's more parents buying them out of nostalgia.''
Wirt died in 1947. Benson's second husband, George Benson, editor of The Toledo Times, died in 1959. She is survived by her daughter, Peggy Wirt. The funeral will be private.
'Nancy Drew' Author Benson Dies
.c The Associated Press
TOLEDO, Ohio (AP) - Mildred Wirt Benson, the author who created Nancy Drew, girl sleuth, and inspired generations of young women with the teen-age heroine's spunk, independence and resourcefulness, has died at 96.
Benson fell ill Tuesday at The Blade newspaper, where she wrote a weekly column about daily life and the elderly. She died later at a hospital.
Using the pen name Carolyn Keene, Benson wrote 23 of the 30 original Nancy Drew mysteries about the stylishly dressed, golden-haired rich girl who tooled around in her own roadster and solved crimes.
Dozens of ghost writers followed Benson, and the Nancy Drew series is still in print. It has sold over 200 million books in 17 languages.
Benson was paid $125 per book and never collected royalties from the books, movies and board games. She was bound by an agreement with the publisher not to reveal her identity as the series author, but it became known in 1980 when she testified in a court case involving Nancy Drew's publisher.
``I always knew the series would be successful,'' Benson said in a December interview with The Associated Press. ``I just never expected it to be the blockbuster that it has been. I'm glad that I had that much influence on people.''
Benson was a journalist for 58 years and wrote more than 130 books, including the Penny Parker mystery series, and countless short stories. But she is best known for creating Drew, a 16-year-old with golden blond hair who was as smart as she was beautiful.
The always-perfect teen detective wore stylish cardigan sweater sets, white gloves and heels while climbing through attics and haunted mansions in search of clues. She caught jewel thieves, kidnappers and other criminals with the help of her River Heights pals, tomboy George and the pretty, plump Bess. Nancy's father, handsome attorney Carson Drew, praised everything she did.
In the first Nancy Drew book, in 1930, she uncovered the hidden will in ``The Secret of the Old Clock.'' Twelve books later she helped a retired actress recover her stolen Persian cats in ``The Clue of the Tapping Heels.''
Fans say the books allowed girls and young women to dream of exciting careers at a time when females had few role models in print. Celebrities like actress Demi Moore and journalist Barbara Walters have said they were inspired by the daring detective.
``I grew up on Nancy Drew and the Bobbsey Twins,'' Walters said in 1998. ``The Bobbsey Twins were goody-goody, and Nancy Drew was fearless. I wanted to be somewhere between both.''
``Every woman wanted to be her,'' said Suzanne Meglan, who was shopping at a suburban Columbus bookstore Wednesday. She read the books and bought them for her daughter. Now her grandchildren are reading them.
Harriet Adams, daughter of original publisher Edward Stratemeyer, took over the Nancy Drew series and directed writers in the 1950s to make the stories shorter and faster-paced.
Adams died in 1982 and Nancy Drew was sold to Simon & Schuster, which uses a number of ``Carolyn Keenes.'' Nancy evolved into a halter-top wearing, roller-blading high schooler who hung out at the mall. She traded her roadster for a convertible.
Benson never cared for the ``modern'' Nancy and refused to sign her name on any of the new books. In a way, she was like the character she made famous - independent and adventurous.
She loved swimming and diving, and remembered jumping from bridges into the Iowa River during her college days. She learned to fly at 59 and traveled around the world, flying to archaeological digs in Central America.
Benson began writing in Ladora, Iowa, where she was born July 10, 1905. She wrote children's stories when she was in grade school and won her first writing award at 14.
``I had no other thought except that I wanted to write,'' she said.
Benson was the first person to receive a master's degree in journalism at the University of Iowa in 1927, according to the school.
She was introduced to journalism through her first husband, Asa Wirt, who worked with The AP. In 1944, Benson began working at the former Toledo Times and later at The Blade.
Despite failing eyesight and diminished hearing, she continued to write. The day after she was diagnosed with lung cancer in 1997, she was back at her desk working on her next column.
``She was gutsy and daring, a living embodiment of her Nancy Drew heroine,'' said John Robinson Block, publisher and editor in chief of The Blade.
Benson recalled her lifelong love of books in her final column, published in The Blade on Wednesday. ``I consider it an honor to have been born near the turn of the 20th century, at about the time when public libraries were first coming into popular use,'' she wrote.
The Nancy Drew books now compete with ``The Royal Diaries,'' a historical fiction series by Scholastic Books, and the American Girl series.
Beth Puffer, manager of the Bank Street Bookstore in New York, said the original Nancy Drew books are a bit outdated for today's young readers.
``In other ways, they're universal - a good mystery, good character, a good female protagonist,'' she said. ``They sell kind of slowly but steadily. My sense is it's more parents buying them out of nostalgia.''
Wirt died in 1947. Benson's second husband, George Benson, editor of The Toledo Times, died in 1959. She is survived by her daughter, Peggy Wirt. The funeral will be private.
Wednesday, May 29, 2002
Shauntey Hinton becomes only the third Miss USA to not make the semifinals at the Miss Universe Pageant. This happened in the 70s when Minnesota's only Miss USA Barbara Something-or-Other didn't make it and in the 90s when New York's Kimberly Pressler failed to make it. Kimberly beat out this KICK ASS contestant from Tennessee (I think Morgan Tandy High, I think her name was) and I said as soon as she won that she would not make semis at Miss Universe and I was RIGHT!
Oh well....Canada made it and so did Cyprus....Miss Cyprus is GORGEOUS! I am so rooting for her -- tall, gorgeous, and let me just say BABY GOT BACK. Also there as a judge is Oswald from The Amazing Race who, like I said before, is just devastatingly handsome in person. I was wondering where Danny was...they should be judging together.
Oh well....Canada made it and so did Cyprus....Miss Cyprus is GORGEOUS! I am so rooting for her -- tall, gorgeous, and let me just say BABY GOT BACK. Also there as a judge is Oswald from The Amazing Race who, like I said before, is just devastatingly handsome in person. I was wondering where Danny was...they should be judging together.
I absolutely hate taking money from my parents.
Since I was out of work for nearly three months and no agency out there could find me much of anything, I had to rely on the savings I had stockpiled, my tax return, and whatever else I could get work wise (all legal thank you). So when my parents send me money I feel very guilty in taking it. I know they would rather have me move back to Florida than to leech off of them. But it's not like I wasn't looking for work. I was looking every single day. The job market here is VERY rough and still hasn't fully recovered in the post-September 11 world. I am competing for jobs with people who lost their's a long time ago. An estimated 100,000 jobs were lost in NYC due to that terrible day's events. I am thankful for their help -- I just hate asking for it. Hopefully this temp gig, boring as it may be, will lead to something a bit permanent. Even if it drives me nuts.
Since I was out of work for nearly three months and no agency out there could find me much of anything, I had to rely on the savings I had stockpiled, my tax return, and whatever else I could get work wise (all legal thank you). So when my parents send me money I feel very guilty in taking it. I know they would rather have me move back to Florida than to leech off of them. But it's not like I wasn't looking for work. I was looking every single day. The job market here is VERY rough and still hasn't fully recovered in the post-September 11 world. I am competing for jobs with people who lost their's a long time ago. An estimated 100,000 jobs were lost in NYC due to that terrible day's events. I am thankful for their help -- I just hate asking for it. Hopefully this temp gig, boring as it may be, will lead to something a bit permanent. Even if it drives me nuts.
Today's news story of the day....
94-Year-Old Has First Fast Food
Wed May 22, 7:50 AM ET
SAVANNAH, Ga. (AP) - Katherine Sheppard waited her whole life to be asked one simple question: "Would you like fries with that?"
The 94-year-old Savannah woman had never eaten fast food before Monday, when she visited a McDonald's and was treated to a sampler of modern-day staples: Big Mac, Chicken McNuggets and Filet-o-Fish.
"The fish sandwich is a complete surprise," said Sheppard, who had no need for fast food for the past nine and a half decades because she always cooked for herself.
"I love fish, and I didn't know a fish sandwich could be so tasty."
Restaurant owner Pat Tracy also gave Sheppard a goodie bag filled with a purple McDonald's straw; a ceramic McDonald's coffee mug; a small, stuffed Ronald McDonald doll; and an old-style McDonald's paper hat signed by the crew.
"At 94 years, we wanted her to have the best time ever at a fast-food restaurant," Tracy said.
Sheppard's son, Edward, said his mother was always too busy cooking up her own special dishes, including his favorite seafood gumbo and shrimp salad. "She's cooked for everybody and his brother for all these years."
The trip was organized by the activity therapy director at Riverview Health and Rehabilitation Center after Katherine Sheppard told some of her fellow residents that she'd never had a Quarter Pounder, Whopper or Frosty. Sheppard arrived in style, riding in a shiny red Toyota MR2 Spyder convertible and escorted by Tony Calandra — also 94. A participant each year in the center's beauty pageant, she was dressed in a dark green dress, coat and hat — along with green St. Patrick's Day beads — but traded in her hat for the paper crew hat. She also prepared her appetite for the trip, having only hot tea for breakfast.
"I didn't have a darn thing to eat," she said.
94-Year-Old Has First Fast Food
Wed May 22, 7:50 AM ET
SAVANNAH, Ga. (AP) - Katherine Sheppard waited her whole life to be asked one simple question: "Would you like fries with that?"
The 94-year-old Savannah woman had never eaten fast food before Monday, when she visited a McDonald's and was treated to a sampler of modern-day staples: Big Mac, Chicken McNuggets and Filet-o-Fish.
"The fish sandwich is a complete surprise," said Sheppard, who had no need for fast food for the past nine and a half decades because she always cooked for herself.
"I love fish, and I didn't know a fish sandwich could be so tasty."
Restaurant owner Pat Tracy also gave Sheppard a goodie bag filled with a purple McDonald's straw; a ceramic McDonald's coffee mug; a small, stuffed Ronald McDonald doll; and an old-style McDonald's paper hat signed by the crew.
"At 94 years, we wanted her to have the best time ever at a fast-food restaurant," Tracy said.
Sheppard's son, Edward, said his mother was always too busy cooking up her own special dishes, including his favorite seafood gumbo and shrimp salad. "She's cooked for everybody and his brother for all these years."
The trip was organized by the activity therapy director at Riverview Health and Rehabilitation Center after Katherine Sheppard told some of her fellow residents that she'd never had a Quarter Pounder, Whopper or Frosty. Sheppard arrived in style, riding in a shiny red Toyota MR2 Spyder convertible and escorted by Tony Calandra — also 94. A participant each year in the center's beauty pageant, she was dressed in a dark green dress, coat and hat — along with green St. Patrick's Day beads — but traded in her hat for the paper crew hat. She also prepared her appetite for the trip, having only hot tea for breakfast.
"I didn't have a darn thing to eat," she said.
Tuesday, May 28, 2002
This made me chuckle....from
Are the Olsen twins two demanding divas in training? A publicist for 15-year-old Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen quit after two weeks, according to the Sydney Morning Herald, because working for the former “Full House” stars has been “making life hell, demanding this and demanding that at all hours of the day.”
Are the Olsen twins two demanding divas in training? A publicist for 15-year-old Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen quit after two weeks, according to the Sydney Morning Herald, because working for the former “Full House” stars has been “making life hell, demanding this and demanding that at all hours of the day.”
Okay...where do fans get off DEMANDING AN APOLOGY be given to Susan Lucci who was in no way humiliated by what happened on the Daytime Emmys. Susan Lucci heard Susan Flannery's name being called out but was egged on by production personnel and even Rosie O'Donnell herself to go out and accept her award. It was a mistake pure and simple.
You have to realize that the sound quality was not that great in the theatre (and before you say, "How would you know, Brian?" please realize I have worked on several shows at that theatre and the sound is terrible) and even the production staff (according to my friend Nancy who was working backstage) had problems hearing things and cues and such. They need to get over it and remember that Susan Lucci isn't that great of an actress. If she was she would have won more than her one award.
You have to realize that the sound quality was not that great in the theatre (and before you say, "How would you know, Brian?" please realize I have worked on several shows at that theatre and the sound is terrible) and even the production staff (according to my friend Nancy who was working backstage) had problems hearing things and cues and such. They need to get over it and remember that Susan Lucci isn't that great of an actress. If she was she would have won more than her one award.
So I watched the episode of Queer as Folk that I missed Sunday night. Can I just say that we all know that Emmett is either not going to keep the ten million or give it all away to charity. The show is sadly getting really predictable (although I like the nice turn that the Brian/Justin relationship is taking showing that Brian does have a more emotional investment in this relationship than he would actually care to admit).
Let's just hit the major stories....the little lesbian nothing for me, but it was interesting twist for those characters. I mean they have to get off somehow but I don't know inviting a third into the bedroom is going to do much to change things in the future.
Emmett and the $10 million. Did we all not think that this was a bequest from George when we heard the bank balance. And were not suprised that someone was contesting the will. The oldest storyline in the book. George is dead. Please let that storyline die too.
Brian and Justin -- still one of the most complex storylines. I think the age and emotional differences between the two are going to come into play. They really should have brought back the violin guy for this episode instead of waiting for yet another week to start before I can get some advancement on that story and on Ben with his viral load going up. I hate it when I get an episode to start another story line to preempt the storylines I am really wanting to see.
Let's just hit the major stories....the little lesbian nothing for me, but it was interesting twist for those characters. I mean they have to get off somehow but I don't know inviting a third into the bedroom is going to do much to change things in the future.
Emmett and the $10 million. Did we all not think that this was a bequest from George when we heard the bank balance. And were not suprised that someone was contesting the will. The oldest storyline in the book. George is dead. Please let that storyline die too.
Brian and Justin -- still one of the most complex storylines. I think the age and emotional differences between the two are going to come into play. They really should have brought back the violin guy for this episode instead of waiting for yet another week to start before I can get some advancement on that story and on Ben with his viral load going up. I hate it when I get an episode to start another story line to preempt the storylines I am really wanting to see.
News story of the day...
Secrets of the Office Restroom
Fri May 24, 9:45 AM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The restroom may be the most private place in the cubicle-land of today's open-plan offices, but, unlike the characters of Ally McBeal (news - Y! TV), few workers use it for emotional breakdowns or to escape a busy day.
In fact, 92 percent of U.S. office workers say they use the bathroom only for the plumbing -- and then they hightail it back to their desks.
Still, a lot of office grunts wouldn't mind a back rub in the lav, or maybe some tunes. A warm seat wouldn't be so bad either, according to a survey conducted for U.S. paper giant Kimberly-Clark Corp.
The survey found that just 2 percent of office workers go to the restroom to "hide or get away."
Many employees are simply too preoccupied with work. Of the 257 adults surveyed, one-third said they think about work assignments while in the restroom.
Nevertheless, office drones might be happy to spend more time in bathrooms if employers provided a few perks. More than a quarter of respondents said they'd like magazines and newspapers in their bathroom stalls.
The true dreamers, a respectable 12 percent, requested masseuses and manicurists.
Another 11 percent asked for stalls outfitted with music and headsets while a few practical folks -- 9 percent -- said heated toilet seats would make bathrooms cozier.
The survey reported that workers are keen to find their stalls stocked with -- surprise! -- just the kind of toilet amenities that Kimberly-Clark can provide.
When presented with a list of ugly restroom situations, 15 percent said asking someone to share toilet paper was their worst lavatory nightmare, while 13 percent said running out of the stall to get paper and scurrying back was their biggest fear.
Secrets of the Office Restroom
Fri May 24, 9:45 AM ET
NEW YORK (Reuters) - The restroom may be the most private place in the cubicle-land of today's open-plan offices, but, unlike the characters of Ally McBeal (news - Y! TV), few workers use it for emotional breakdowns or to escape a busy day.
In fact, 92 percent of U.S. office workers say they use the bathroom only for the plumbing -- and then they hightail it back to their desks.
Still, a lot of office grunts wouldn't mind a back rub in the lav, or maybe some tunes. A warm seat wouldn't be so bad either, according to a survey conducted for U.S. paper giant Kimberly-Clark Corp.
The survey found that just 2 percent of office workers go to the restroom to "hide or get away."
Many employees are simply too preoccupied with work. Of the 257 adults surveyed, one-third said they think about work assignments while in the restroom.
Nevertheless, office drones might be happy to spend more time in bathrooms if employers provided a few perks. More than a quarter of respondents said they'd like magazines and newspapers in their bathroom stalls.
The true dreamers, a respectable 12 percent, requested masseuses and manicurists.
Another 11 percent asked for stalls outfitted with music and headsets while a few practical folks -- 9 percent -- said heated toilet seats would make bathrooms cozier.
The survey reported that workers are keen to find their stalls stocked with -- surprise! -- just the kind of toilet amenities that Kimberly-Clark can provide.
When presented with a list of ugly restroom situations, 15 percent said asking someone to share toilet paper was their worst lavatory nightmare, while 13 percent said running out of the stall to get paper and scurrying back was their biggest fear.
Okay I know these are tests for women.....but I think it could apply to men as's me....I'm just like my friend Joni on the first one which is truly no surprise...

What's Your Sexual MO? Find out @ She's Crafty

Who's Your 80s Movie Icon Alter-Ego? Find out @ She's Crafty

What's Your Sexual MO? Find out @ She's Crafty

Who's Your 80s Movie Icon Alter-Ego? Find out @ She's Crafty
Monday, May 27, 2002
"LIfe isn't fair," says Ms. Coral from the Real World New York. I have to agree with her.
After watching part of the Law and Order marathon and the Trading Spaces marathon, I sat down to watch the final two episode of the Road Rules/Real World Battle of the Seasons because I have nothing better to do in my life tonight (and I've also read the recap at Television Without Pity so I know how it ends). So we get to the point where something has happened to the rope that is holding a fish in the water (I don't know if it's plastic or real or whatever) and the Road Rules team is getting passed. And there is Miss Holier-Than-Thou Holly screaming how wrong and unfair it is. Well, she just needs to get over herself. She's a whore and a whiner plain and simple. I am so glad you lost the $300,000 and are walking away with nothing (except the crap you've already won). NO SOUP FOR YOU BITCH!
After watching part of the Law and Order marathon and the Trading Spaces marathon, I sat down to watch the final two episode of the Road Rules/Real World Battle of the Seasons because I have nothing better to do in my life tonight (and I've also read the recap at Television Without Pity so I know how it ends). So we get to the point where something has happened to the rope that is holding a fish in the water (I don't know if it's plastic or real or whatever) and the Road Rules team is getting passed. And there is Miss Holier-Than-Thou Holly screaming how wrong and unfair it is. Well, she just needs to get over herself. She's a whore and a whiner plain and simple. I am so glad you lost the $300,000 and are walking away with nothing (except the crap you've already won). NO SOUP FOR YOU BITCH!
This is today's news story of the day.....enjoy....
32-Year Fugitive Captured in Ohio
.c The Associated Press
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - Some know her as Margo Freshwater, convicted of one murder and accused in two others, an escapee from a Tennessee prison who remained undiscovered for 32 years. To others, she's Tonya McCartor, a caring and easygoing soul who competed in ballroom dancing and worked hard to support her three children. Authorities say McCartor, arrested May 19, and Freshwater are one and the same, and that they have fingerprints and a confession to prove it. It's a claim relatives of the woman called McCartor can't fathom, and which her attorney is challenging.
``We know a loving mother, a loving grandmother and a wonderful wife who has made me the happiest man that I could have ever imagined,'' said her husband of two years, Daryl McCartor. ``They've got the wrong person.''
His wife, 53, was jailed without bond pending a hearing June 18 on whether she should be returned to Tennessee. Her attorney, Richard Pyatt, noted that in 1984 an Ohio court declared Freshwater dead at relatives' request.
``She's not who they say she is,'' he said.
Investigators say an ordinary lifestyle helped Freshwater - one of Tennessee's most-wanted fugitives - escape detection.
``She kind of disappeared into the woodwork,'' said Ron O'Brien, Franklin County prosecutor.
Freshwater, an 18-year-old high school dropout, had gone to Tennessee in 1966 to visit a boyfriend jailed on a robbery charge. She began an affair with his attorney, Glenn Nash. Authorities say Freshwater and Nash killed a liquor store clerk in Tennessee, a convenience store clerk in Florida and a cab driver in Mississippi that December. They were arrested at a bus station in Mississippi. Nash was declared incompetent to stand trial and spent several years in mental hospitals. He was released in 1983. But Freshwater escaped from prison in Nashville in 1970, when she was 23. She was 1 1/2 years into a 99-year sentence for murdering the liquor store clerk, Hillman Robbins Sr.
With another prisoner - who wasn't recaptured until the early 1990s - she scaled the only fence, outran guards to the nearest highway and hitched a ride with a trucker. The two women ended up in Baltimore and stayed for a few weeks before going their separate ways. Freshwater was pregnant. The father is unknown. She boarded a train for Ashland, Ohio, applied for a new Social Security number, took the alias Tonya Myers and settled in a boarding house, authorities say. There she met Phillip Zimmerman. She told him she had been raped in a juvenile jail while serving a sentence for petty theft. She never told him much else.
``She was always very secretive about her past. We didn't talk much about it,'' Zimmerman recalled from his home in Helenwood, Tenn.
The two never married, but they raised her son and had a daughter.
``She was completely devoted to her kids,'' said Zimmerman, 55. ``When she wasn't working, she was with them.''
Freshwater apparently never altered her appearance or contacted relatives, though she lived and worked in several central Ohio communities only 50 to 75 miles from her suburban Columbus hometown. Freshwater worked as a waitress, country club manager and bartender. She registered to vote, entered ballroom dancing competitions, was licensed to sell insurance and learned to drive a tractor-trailer. Her only trouble with the law was a few minor traffic violations. After breaking up with Zimmerman, Freshwater met and married Joseph Hudkins, a railroad worker, and took his last name. The two had a son. Hudkins died in 1988. Left to raise the children alone, Freshwater worked in the 1990s as an administrative assistant at MetLife in Columbus and sold insurance in her hometown.
Still, she told investigators she never ran into anyone who knew her. She met McCartor, a trucker, through a dating service. They lived just miles from where Freshwater grew up with her mother, brother and half brother. McCartor and the children, while acknowledging they know little of her past, insist she is innocent.
``She's a good person. She does not deserve this whatsoever,'' said son Timothy Hudkins, tears filling his eyes.
Angela Hudkins, who lives in Cambridge, N.Y., with her two children, said their mother is suffering for a crime she didn't commit.
``She's been completely stripped of a family that loves and supports her,'' she said.
On May 19, investigators watched as the woman they had tracked down as Freshwater shopped at a grocery store and at Jolly Pirate Donuts. She went with her husband, son Timothy and his wife and baby to a health club in a nearby hotel. As the family left the hotel and walked across the parking lot, investigators approached. They say Freshwater was stoic and gave her relatives long hugs before quietly leaving with police. Authorities say she admitted her identity after one of her thumbprints matched one taken from Freshwater in 1966.
Larry Wallace, director of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, said investigators pieced together bits of information gathered over the years.
Suspecting Freshwater was in Ohio and discovering she had used the alias Tonya, agents scoured computer databases to find women named Tonya who had birthdates similar to Freshwater's. They found matches last month to Tonya Hudkins and Tonya McCartor, and pulled drivers' license photos for both.
``It reaches a point where you don't have any more rocks to turn over,'' O'Brien said.
32-Year Fugitive Captured in Ohio
.c The Associated Press
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) - Some know her as Margo Freshwater, convicted of one murder and accused in two others, an escapee from a Tennessee prison who remained undiscovered for 32 years. To others, she's Tonya McCartor, a caring and easygoing soul who competed in ballroom dancing and worked hard to support her three children. Authorities say McCartor, arrested May 19, and Freshwater are one and the same, and that they have fingerprints and a confession to prove it. It's a claim relatives of the woman called McCartor can't fathom, and which her attorney is challenging.
``We know a loving mother, a loving grandmother and a wonderful wife who has made me the happiest man that I could have ever imagined,'' said her husband of two years, Daryl McCartor. ``They've got the wrong person.''
His wife, 53, was jailed without bond pending a hearing June 18 on whether she should be returned to Tennessee. Her attorney, Richard Pyatt, noted that in 1984 an Ohio court declared Freshwater dead at relatives' request.
``She's not who they say she is,'' he said.
Investigators say an ordinary lifestyle helped Freshwater - one of Tennessee's most-wanted fugitives - escape detection.
``She kind of disappeared into the woodwork,'' said Ron O'Brien, Franklin County prosecutor.
Freshwater, an 18-year-old high school dropout, had gone to Tennessee in 1966 to visit a boyfriend jailed on a robbery charge. She began an affair with his attorney, Glenn Nash. Authorities say Freshwater and Nash killed a liquor store clerk in Tennessee, a convenience store clerk in Florida and a cab driver in Mississippi that December. They were arrested at a bus station in Mississippi. Nash was declared incompetent to stand trial and spent several years in mental hospitals. He was released in 1983. But Freshwater escaped from prison in Nashville in 1970, when she was 23. She was 1 1/2 years into a 99-year sentence for murdering the liquor store clerk, Hillman Robbins Sr.
With another prisoner - who wasn't recaptured until the early 1990s - she scaled the only fence, outran guards to the nearest highway and hitched a ride with a trucker. The two women ended up in Baltimore and stayed for a few weeks before going their separate ways. Freshwater was pregnant. The father is unknown. She boarded a train for Ashland, Ohio, applied for a new Social Security number, took the alias Tonya Myers and settled in a boarding house, authorities say. There she met Phillip Zimmerman. She told him she had been raped in a juvenile jail while serving a sentence for petty theft. She never told him much else.
``She was always very secretive about her past. We didn't talk much about it,'' Zimmerman recalled from his home in Helenwood, Tenn.
The two never married, but they raised her son and had a daughter.
``She was completely devoted to her kids,'' said Zimmerman, 55. ``When she wasn't working, she was with them.''
Freshwater apparently never altered her appearance or contacted relatives, though she lived and worked in several central Ohio communities only 50 to 75 miles from her suburban Columbus hometown. Freshwater worked as a waitress, country club manager and bartender. She registered to vote, entered ballroom dancing competitions, was licensed to sell insurance and learned to drive a tractor-trailer. Her only trouble with the law was a few minor traffic violations. After breaking up with Zimmerman, Freshwater met and married Joseph Hudkins, a railroad worker, and took his last name. The two had a son. Hudkins died in 1988. Left to raise the children alone, Freshwater worked in the 1990s as an administrative assistant at MetLife in Columbus and sold insurance in her hometown.
Still, she told investigators she never ran into anyone who knew her. She met McCartor, a trucker, through a dating service. They lived just miles from where Freshwater grew up with her mother, brother and half brother. McCartor and the children, while acknowledging they know little of her past, insist she is innocent.
``She's a good person. She does not deserve this whatsoever,'' said son Timothy Hudkins, tears filling his eyes.
Angela Hudkins, who lives in Cambridge, N.Y., with her two children, said their mother is suffering for a crime she didn't commit.
``She's been completely stripped of a family that loves and supports her,'' she said.
On May 19, investigators watched as the woman they had tracked down as Freshwater shopped at a grocery store and at Jolly Pirate Donuts. She went with her husband, son Timothy and his wife and baby to a health club in a nearby hotel. As the family left the hotel and walked across the parking lot, investigators approached. They say Freshwater was stoic and gave her relatives long hugs before quietly leaving with police. Authorities say she admitted her identity after one of her thumbprints matched one taken from Freshwater in 1966.
Larry Wallace, director of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, said investigators pieced together bits of information gathered over the years.
Suspecting Freshwater was in Ohio and discovering she had used the alias Tonya, agents scoured computer databases to find women named Tonya who had birthdates similar to Freshwater's. They found matches last month to Tonya Hudkins and Tonya McCartor, and pulled drivers' license photos for both.
``It reaches a point where you don't have any more rocks to turn over,'' O'Brien said.
Poor Pete Sampras. The guy has lost in the first round of the French Open meaning that he still has yet to win the only Grand Slam title that he does not have in his collection. He does have thirteen Slams under his belt which is a record but he hasn't won a tournament since the 2000 Wimbledon when he broke the record. I kinda feel forthe guy because he has somewhat imploded in the past few years. Ya happened when Andre Agassi married Brooke Shields....maybe Pete needs to get a divorce...if it can boost Andre's ranking and playing ability maybe it can do the same for him...
Sigh.....there's lots and lots and lots of sleep that went on this morning....
Oh well....Venus Williams made it to the next round of the French Open which means she has improved upon last year's performance when she was bounced in the first round.
There's a Trading Spaces marathon on today and guess which episode they are showing -- Haystack Hilda. Come on you stupid scary bee-atch. They have to live there after you are gone. Do you really think that having HAY on the wall is something that is going to stick around for very long. I'm just gonna skip that episode and watch the Law & Order marathon.
Oh well....Venus Williams made it to the next round of the French Open which means she has improved upon last year's performance when she was bounced in the first round.
There's a Trading Spaces marathon on today and guess which episode they are showing -- Haystack Hilda. Come on you stupid scary bee-atch. They have to live there after you are gone. Do you really think that having HAY on the wall is something that is going to stick around for very long. I'm just gonna skip that episode and watch the Law & Order marathon.
Sunday, May 26, 2002
Okay remember that comment from early this morning about that certain someone who has been a total bitch to me for the past few weeks. Well it is so nice when they get their comeuppance.
There is a running joke about this person and a certain former host of a popular news program that is heavily interested in the goings on of Hollywood and similar "scenes" and such host has gone on to a musical career. Well, as a joke (and pretty much an "in joke" for those that happen to frequent a certain online mailing list), they got a CD of said former television host (who is married to a former "hotel" clerk) and rigged it to pull out a ticket of hers so she would win this CD. Well, it went over well with those of us who knew of said joke but it didn't go over well with said hostess of the day (who volunteered a certain online author of a fake life blog to gather change for the day when he wasn't going to do virtually anything but be online and have some fun of his own).
Anyway, digressing again....
So, it was overheard (and not by me but by some HIGHLY reputable sources) that said hostess went to said Coloradoan and said that people were complaining that they thought the raffle drawings were rigged and that it didn't do anything to bring credibility to the marathon -- especially since it was an "in joke" that less than half the people there would understand. So said Coloradoan left before the end of the event (and it is unknown whether or not it was because of this occurrence or another reason altogether) and tensions between said hosted, this Coloradoan and several other people at this event are quite strained. Let's just say that a lot of people are saying that this event was no fun at all...
And I would have to agree....
There is a running joke about this person and a certain former host of a popular news program that is heavily interested in the goings on of Hollywood and similar "scenes" and such host has gone on to a musical career. Well, as a joke (and pretty much an "in joke" for those that happen to frequent a certain online mailing list), they got a CD of said former television host (who is married to a former "hotel" clerk) and rigged it to pull out a ticket of hers so she would win this CD. Well, it went over well with those of us who knew of said joke but it didn't go over well with said hostess of the day (who volunteered a certain online author of a fake life blog to gather change for the day when he wasn't going to do virtually anything but be online and have some fun of his own).
Anyway, digressing again....
So, it was overheard (and not by me but by some HIGHLY reputable sources) that said hostess went to said Coloradoan and said that people were complaining that they thought the raffle drawings were rigged and that it didn't do anything to bring credibility to the marathon -- especially since it was an "in joke" that less than half the people there would understand. So said Coloradoan left before the end of the event (and it is unknown whether or not it was because of this occurrence or another reason altogether) and tensions between said hosted, this Coloradoan and several other people at this event are quite strained. Let's just say that a lot of people are saying that this event was no fun at all...
And I would have to agree....
I met Anne (and she even did the sign language "E" for me) today.....she was one of my cool prize patrollers for the New York City's been an okay day here. Nothing major...just been drinking a lot of soda and probably should stop soon or it's gonna get really nasty....stomach is killing me. Really don't want pizza either. Probably won't eat it when it comes....
Don't you hate it when you bust your ass off on a project and the person leading the project treats you like shit while you are doing it, talks down to you, and pretty much makes you hate the fact that you are even involved in this event.
Well that's pretty much what is happening today. Some of you know the story. Some of you don't know the story. Some of you might not eve give a rat's ass about the story. But let me put it this way.....there is a very good possibility that I could be walking out of a certain event today is a person keeps up their rampant pissiness towards me. I mean there is a certain thing to be said for decorum and politeness and certain things like that. But apparently this person has yet to realize this despite plenty of warning to the contrary.....but oh well...we shall see what happens
Well that's pretty much what is happening today. Some of you know the story. Some of you don't know the story. Some of you might not eve give a rat's ass about the story. But let me put it this way.....there is a very good possibility that I could be walking out of a certain event today is a person keeps up their rampant pissiness towards me. I mean there is a certain thing to be said for decorum and politeness and certain things like that. But apparently this person has yet to realize this despite plenty of warning to the contrary.....but oh well...we shall see what happens
Well, well, well. Is she or isn't she is the question that will be debated until the end of time.
There is a certain woman, who shall remain nameless, that goes from being lesbian to being straight to being bi to being somewhere in between all three of those parameters that is a dear friend of mine. Tonight, we're still wondering where on the sexuality continuum she falls. So tonight, here we were at a gay bar where we were playing a nice friendly bar game (hosted by our dear friend who hosts the show in drag and she's wonderful) when these sailors passed by and looked in. Witti, in all her glory, went outside and somehow wooed them in. They said they were there just to go to the bathroom but somehow we got both of them (Luke from Maine and Joe from North Carolina) stick around for a while (longer than I thought I would especially after we told them that they might want to get running along because we didn't want them to get in trouble in the even that their commanding officer caught them in an establishment that was frequented by gay men) and had fun in the game.
However, my dear straight/bi/lesbian/whatever friend took a shining to the sailors (Luke in work whites and Joe in dress whites) and was flirting and playing around with them even after she had been eliminated. Now at the beginning of the game she said she was lesbian but we all had to wonder when she was getting nuzzled by the sailors. I do mean nuzzled. I think she was kissed to but I was trying not to pay her attention to goad her on. Anyway, she left with both of the sailors leaving all of us in the bar going...WHAT THE she lesbian, is she straight...what is she....
Some gals have all the luck.....
There is a certain woman, who shall remain nameless, that goes from being lesbian to being straight to being bi to being somewhere in between all three of those parameters that is a dear friend of mine. Tonight, we're still wondering where on the sexuality continuum she falls. So tonight, here we were at a gay bar where we were playing a nice friendly bar game (hosted by our dear friend who hosts the show in drag and she's wonderful) when these sailors passed by and looked in. Witti, in all her glory, went outside and somehow wooed them in. They said they were there just to go to the bathroom but somehow we got both of them (Luke from Maine and Joe from North Carolina) stick around for a while (longer than I thought I would especially after we told them that they might want to get running along because we didn't want them to get in trouble in the even that their commanding officer caught them in an establishment that was frequented by gay men) and had fun in the game.
However, my dear straight/bi/lesbian/whatever friend took a shining to the sailors (Luke in work whites and Joe in dress whites) and was flirting and playing around with them even after she had been eliminated. Now at the beginning of the game she said she was lesbian but we all had to wonder when she was getting nuzzled by the sailors. I do mean nuzzled. I think she was kissed to but I was trying not to pay her attention to goad her on. Anyway, she left with both of the sailors leaving all of us in the bar going...WHAT THE she lesbian, is she straight...what is she....
Some gals have all the luck.....
Saturday, May 25, 2002
A new episode of (646) Guy is now up. This one goes out to a certain mother in Massachusetts who is coming into town this weekend....
So tonight I have friends coming into town for the weekend. Anji and her mom (who I think resembles a young Stockard Channing) are in town with her friend Dan. I just got done burning 2 CDs of nothing but 80s music. The calypso music is done downloading and hopefully I can get that one burned later today. The stupid burner is really tempermental. If anyone out there as an I-Omega Predator USB external CD burner, drop me a line. I want to know if you are having the same problems I am. Like I can't use CDs that have any color printing on the front. It's weird. I have some nice silver Fuji CDs which work great and I have some silver Verbatim CDs with Verbatim written in red ink and they won't even work and they are supposed to according to the I-Omega website. I am really pissed about this....oh well....
It's nice and cool here today...have a light fan blowing and sitting here in a t-shirt. I might be going out to play in Witti Repartee's The Gayest Link if I can get Anji to come along. Alliances are so needed in this game.
It's nice and cool here today...have a light fan blowing and sitting here in a t-shirt. I might be going out to play in Witti Repartee's The Gayest Link if I can get Anji to come along. Alliances are so needed in this game.
Okay, whoever works for Bumble and Bumble that has been visiting me at both this site and reading my fake exploits on the (646) Guy really needs to drop me a line.....probably becuase I just love the domain name....
Okay, did Audiogalaxy shut down their stuff already? Well, their proxy server is working okay and I am getting the calypso music I want, but I am not able to get to their website. This will really make me unhappy.
I'm watching BBC America and I am wondering when they are going to bring this over to the States and give us a totally GORGEOUS cast of men and women (primarily the men) and send them across the country redoing other people's gardens...then again in England, the "gardens" are much smaller than most backyards. Alothough they can come do my parents' house any day of the week....
I'm watching BBC America and I am wondering when they are going to bring this over to the States and give us a totally GORGEOUS cast of men and women (primarily the men) and send them across the country redoing other people's gardens...then again in England, the "gardens" are much smaller than most backyards. Alothough they can come do my parents' house any day of the week....
Friday, May 24, 2002
I am really pissed right now. Okay maybe not pissed but kinda upset.
The Recording Industry Association of America is taking aim at my beloved music server Audiogalaxy. Apparently they are concerned that Audiogalaxy is the new Napster and that they aren't doing a good job of filtering out copyrighted materials. Well, the RIAA needs to realize this -- there are SOOOOOOOOOOOOO many music files out there and SOOOOOOOOO many different titles for music (both copyrighted and not) that it is virtually IMPOSSIBLE to stop all music. All people have to do is change the spelling of a word or put in a line from the song instead of the title and voila...there it is and audiogalaxy is none the wiser. I mean lots of the Madonna songs are not downloadable. You have to REALLY search for them because they are there...but it's hard to find.
RIAA has to realize that this "industry" is not going to die away. I mean if it wasn't for Audiogalaxy, I would never have my copies of Carries the Musical, Toshi Reagon, Norah Jones, and Jane Monheit. And I love all four of them. They just rock.
I think the RIAA should have seen tonight's episode of 20/20 where they showed that there is a form of payola out there that goes to independent distributors who pay stations to play a song or songs. According to these guys, it can cost up to $500,000 just to get a song on the air. So if you want to be a music recording artist you had better have deep pockets if you want to even THINK of getting your song on the air. So some of these smaller artists like Norah Jones and Jane Monehit NEED people like me who download music (and great music at that). I may be willing to pay a premium price ot get this music under the proviso that it goes to the artists and not to the pockets of record producers.
The Recording Industry Association of America is taking aim at my beloved music server Audiogalaxy. Apparently they are concerned that Audiogalaxy is the new Napster and that they aren't doing a good job of filtering out copyrighted materials. Well, the RIAA needs to realize this -- there are SOOOOOOOOOOOOO many music files out there and SOOOOOOOOO many different titles for music (both copyrighted and not) that it is virtually IMPOSSIBLE to stop all music. All people have to do is change the spelling of a word or put in a line from the song instead of the title and voila...there it is and audiogalaxy is none the wiser. I mean lots of the Madonna songs are not downloadable. You have to REALLY search for them because they are there...but it's hard to find.
RIAA has to realize that this "industry" is not going to die away. I mean if it wasn't for Audiogalaxy, I would never have my copies of Carries the Musical, Toshi Reagon, Norah Jones, and Jane Monheit. And I love all four of them. They just rock.
I think the RIAA should have seen tonight's episode of 20/20 where they showed that there is a form of payola out there that goes to independent distributors who pay stations to play a song or songs. According to these guys, it can cost up to $500,000 just to get a song on the air. So if you want to be a music recording artist you had better have deep pockets if you want to even THINK of getting your song on the air. So some of these smaller artists like Norah Jones and Jane Monehit NEED people like me who download music (and great music at that). I may be willing to pay a premium price ot get this music under the proviso that it goes to the artists and not to the pockets of record producers.
China and Albania are sending their first representatives to the Miss Universe Pageant in many a decade. Big deal....
Apparently politics are really big in these pageants...Lebanon and Israel cannot be paired together (both countries have one Miss Universe title to their credit) and Miss Egypt was scared to leave her country. China made Taiwan change their name to Chinese Taipei. Big deal -- Taiwan never showed up. Turkey and Greece aren't to be paired together either given their mutual desire to occupy Cyprus.
Sigh....just give someone the crown already!
Apparently politics are really big in these pageants...Lebanon and Israel cannot be paired together (both countries have one Miss Universe title to their credit) and Miss Egypt was scared to leave her country. China made Taiwan change their name to Chinese Taipei. Big deal -- Taiwan never showed up. Turkey and Greece aren't to be paired together either given their mutual desire to occupy Cyprus.
Sigh....just give someone the crown already!
Hmmmm could there be a new city in our country's future. San Fernando Valley got approval to put an amendment on the ballot to secede from Los Angeles and become their own city. They claim that they are paying a load of taxes and getting nothing in return. Los Angeles' mayor says he will take it to court to stop the vote from happening stating that losing San Fernando Valley would cost L.A. too much money and they would have to raise taxes in order to meet their current needs. Well, I guess they should have thought about making sure all of their citizens were happy instead of pissing them off. Go San Fernando Valley! This NYC guy supports you!
I've been contemplating parenthood as of late.
No, Will & Grace has nothing to do with this sudden burst of feelings. But I have to admit I wonder how good of a father I would actually be if I were to have a child (through adoption or otherwise). Part of me would like to be a father but the other part of me knows how little patience I can have with small children (or children of any kind for that matter). Then again, I know I can't raise a child alone, so I would need to have a partner who was also looking to be a father as well. Part of me can admit to being a little jealous of my sister who has a son -- someone to look for and care after and raise to be someone who loves and cares for others.
I'm still young I tell myself. And I don't know if the man I have my eye on is keen on having children. We both have a strong sense of family so there is the chance that he might want to try parenthood. Well you can't "try" either do it or you don't. I hope he does.
No, Will & Grace has nothing to do with this sudden burst of feelings. But I have to admit I wonder how good of a father I would actually be if I were to have a child (through adoption or otherwise). Part of me would like to be a father but the other part of me knows how little patience I can have with small children (or children of any kind for that matter). Then again, I know I can't raise a child alone, so I would need to have a partner who was also looking to be a father as well. Part of me can admit to being a little jealous of my sister who has a son -- someone to look for and care after and raise to be someone who loves and cares for others.
I'm still young I tell myself. And I don't know if the man I have my eye on is keen on having children. We both have a strong sense of family so there is the chance that he might want to try parenthood. Well you can't "try" either do it or you don't. I hope he does.
On a serious note, the NYC edition of the Scully Marathon is beind held this weekend. NYC has always been the Scully Marathon to be at (probably for all of the prizes we have). The Scully Marathon is a benefit for Neurofibromatosis, Inc., the charity of choice of X-Files star Gillian Anderson. There is still time for you to pledge money to this event. Just send me an email at and I can tell you how!
The police are so smart. This is from the Associated Press:
"Police investigating Chandra Levy's death said Thursday most evidence points to murder, but the medical examiner said a determination probably won't come before next week."
Wow, see, I thought she just laid down in the park covered herself in leaves and branches and took a REALLY long nap. Murder, who would have thunk it?
This weekend is Memorial Day Weekend....everyone stay safe if you are travelling. Have lots of fun and drink one for me....I am going to work today and hoping that something good comes out of it.....
"Police investigating Chandra Levy's death said Thursday most evidence points to murder, but the medical examiner said a determination probably won't come before next week."
Wow, see, I thought she just laid down in the park covered herself in leaves and branches and took a REALLY long nap. Murder, who would have thunk it?
This weekend is Memorial Day Weekend....everyone stay safe if you are travelling. Have lots of fun and drink one for me....I am going to work today and hoping that something good comes out of it.....
Thursday, May 23, 2002
Here's an interesting question that was posed to me what age does phone sex just become really boring? I said the age when you can no longer keep the phone in the crook of your neck.....but in terms of boring...heck, it does nothing for me so I guess I need to say 27....
No new news on the romance angle. Just biding my time. Can't do it for much longer since after June 15, I won't be seeing him on a regular basis unless I make a point of asking him out or something.....and I will have to do that....
Okay just started watching the celebrity death match version fo was a battle royale...
Rudy was killed off by Jerri who had her nose bitten off Colby and Kelly knocked Colby into the audience....and then Susan was brought into the match and we know how she feels about Kelly....I really need to get a life and stop watching so much reality TV...hehehe....Keith killed off Jerri by making rice cook inside her until she exploded...then Mike fell in the fire...hehehe
No new news on the romance angle. Just biding my time. Can't do it for much longer since after June 15, I won't be seeing him on a regular basis unless I make a point of asking him out or something.....and I will have to do that....
Okay just started watching the celebrity death match version fo was a battle royale...
Rudy was killed off by Jerri who had her nose bitten off Colby and Kelly knocked Colby into the audience....and then Susan was brought into the match and we know how she feels about Kelly....I really need to get a life and stop watching so much reality TV...hehehe....Keith killed off Jerri by making rice cook inside her until she exploded...then Mike fell in the fire...hehehe
There's a new episode of (646) Guy for you to enjoy. Ben Affleck and Sandra Bullock guest star.
A couple of things about work today....this chick who started work (permanent not temp) on Monday RESIGNED EFFECTIVE TOMORROW! That means there is an opening in the department i am working in. Perhaps I can finagle my way into the position. There is this cute French guy whose name sounds like Hiri or a French version of Harry or something....anyway....he's ADORABLE. Totally not my type but he's adorable.
Anyway, bravos to Shawn Green for his four home runs in his game against the Brewers. Only 14 men have done it and now he's one of them
Also, bravos ot the judge who refused to let Cheney get away with quahsing the motions to reveal the inner workings of his energy committee. Of course there are rumors that Ken Lay, a HUGE Bush supporter and one of the men who helped bring down Enron, was a member of this commission which was supposed to be composed of only federal employees.....
A couple of things about work today....this chick who started work (permanent not temp) on Monday RESIGNED EFFECTIVE TOMORROW! That means there is an opening in the department i am working in. Perhaps I can finagle my way into the position. There is this cute French guy whose name sounds like Hiri or a French version of Harry or something....anyway....he's ADORABLE. Totally not my type but he's adorable.
Anyway, bravos to Shawn Green for his four home runs in his game against the Brewers. Only 14 men have done it and now he's one of them
Also, bravos ot the judge who refused to let Cheney get away with quahsing the motions to reveal the inner workings of his energy committee. Of course there are rumors that Ken Lay, a HUGE Bush supporter and one of the men who helped bring down Enron, was a member of this commission which was supposed to be composed of only federal employees.....
I just read on that a "source close to Gary Condit" hopes that the discovery of Chandra Levy's body helps to quell any notion that he had nothing to do with her death or disappearance. Furthermore, the source fears that there may not be enough forensic evidence to fully exonerate Condit.
Well, let's be blunt shall we....even if there is OVERWHELMING evidence that Condit had NOTHING to do with Chandra Levy's death, there will always be that nagging assumption that he had something to do with it -- even if it could never be proven. Gary Condit should go have a few talks with OJ Simpson about that....
Well, let's be blunt shall we....even if there is OVERWHELMING evidence that Condit had NOTHING to do with Chandra Levy's death, there will always be that nagging assumption that he had something to do with it -- even if it could never be proven. Gary Condit should go have a few talks with OJ Simpson about that....
Taking a quick break here to check in with everyone and let them know that the first day of work is going well. Not really doing much more than researching and looking items up in the Bloomberg program. But other than that it's pretty banal (ooh, Mrs. Marks would be so proud that I used a vocabulary word from the 11h grade).
I'm gonna see if I can sneak in some news articles and then come with another round of my stinging criticism and bizarre commentary.
I'm gonna see if I can sneak in some news articles and then come with another round of my stinging criticism and bizarre commentary.
Just a reminder that I start new work today. Blogging may be at a minimum but that could change once I get to the office.
Well they found Chandra Levy's remains. Her parents were on Oprah yesterday and they are still blaming Gary Condit whom authorities have said has NEVER been a suspect. Once again, it's just parents looking for someone to blame (although in this case, there have always been rumors swirling around him) despite the fact that she was wearing jogging attire. The Levy's should be VERY careful about what they say. Slander and libel laws could come back to bite them in the butt. I feel sorry for your loss, however, as you only have conjecture, you should really be careful as to what you say. Yes, Condit covered up an affair and has had his political career decimated by his words and deeds. BUT...that's not enough to say that he murdered her. Until you have proof, lay off the man.
Let me get this off of my chest as well. I have a crush on a guy out there. He will remain namless because I don't know if he is aware of this blog and if he is, those that read it know of him and I don't want them running off to them know how I feel about him. Let's just say the follow: He's adorable, love the goatee (and have for quite some time) and am thankful he has never shaved it off), and we both know how to make each other laugh. I guess you can call this a crush (and then some). I don't go to bed and have masturbatory fantasies of him but I wonder what it would be like to curl up in bed with him. What that line from the indie film "I Think I Do" -- I don't want to sleep with him, I just want to sleep with him. I don't know if he is seeing anyone, I'm a bit nervous to ask about that. I know I need to take the plunge and find out....but I have to admit to being a little scared to do so....we shall see what happens....
Well they found Chandra Levy's remains. Her parents were on Oprah yesterday and they are still blaming Gary Condit whom authorities have said has NEVER been a suspect. Once again, it's just parents looking for someone to blame (although in this case, there have always been rumors swirling around him) despite the fact that she was wearing jogging attire. The Levy's should be VERY careful about what they say. Slander and libel laws could come back to bite them in the butt. I feel sorry for your loss, however, as you only have conjecture, you should really be careful as to what you say. Yes, Condit covered up an affair and has had his political career decimated by his words and deeds. BUT...that's not enough to say that he murdered her. Until you have proof, lay off the man.
Let me get this off of my chest as well. I have a crush on a guy out there. He will remain namless because I don't know if he is aware of this blog and if he is, those that read it know of him and I don't want them running off to them know how I feel about him. Let's just say the follow: He's adorable, love the goatee (and have for quite some time) and am thankful he has never shaved it off), and we both know how to make each other laugh. I guess you can call this a crush (and then some). I don't go to bed and have masturbatory fantasies of him but I wonder what it would be like to curl up in bed with him. What that line from the indie film "I Think I Do" -- I don't want to sleep with him, I just want to sleep with him. I don't know if he is seeing anyone, I'm a bit nervous to ask about that. I know I need to take the plunge and find out....but I have to admit to being a little scared to do so....we shall see what happens....
Wednesday, May 22, 2002
If I could pick any football player to be my husband, it would have to be Jeff Ulbrich of the San Francisco 49ers. Very easy on the eyes......VERY easy....
And this poor kid ought to rethink his sport of choice or change his um....thinking habits.....
And this poor kid ought to rethink his sport of choice or change his um....thinking habits.....
I've decided I had more to say about this gays in sports thing.
I have wonder why its so bad to have a gay baseball, basketball, (insert ball of choice here)-ball player. Is it because the game is so physical that you don't think gay men and women can compete in them? Is it because you think we are to be relegated to figure skating, gymnastics, and diving? Is it because we're not supposed to like sports and supposed to be into interior decorating and showtunes.
Are people like Jim Litke so scared that their image of gay men is going to shattered if a baseball player (or any other sports player for that matter) came out of the closet? They just need to get a grip and get over their preconceived notions of what a gay man should act like adn talk like and be like.
Get over yourselves. I hope that if a player does come out that his record is so outstanding and amazing that no one is really going to care about his sexuality but care about the work that he has already accomplished. That is my hope.
I have wonder why its so bad to have a gay baseball, basketball, (insert ball of choice here)-ball player. Is it because the game is so physical that you don't think gay men and women can compete in them? Is it because you think we are to be relegated to figure skating, gymnastics, and diving? Is it because we're not supposed to like sports and supposed to be into interior decorating and showtunes.
Are people like Jim Litke so scared that their image of gay men is going to shattered if a baseball player (or any other sports player for that matter) came out of the closet? They just need to get a grip and get over their preconceived notions of what a gay man should act like adn talk like and be like.
Get over yourselves. I hope that if a player does come out that his record is so outstanding and amazing that no one is really going to care about his sexuality but care about the work that he has already accomplished. That is my hope.
Jim Litke is a moron!
Go down a few posts and you will see my little comment I made last night about Mike Piazza, the rumors about him being gay, the denials, blah blah blah.
Well Jim Litke thinks gay players should just stay in the closet. Doesn't he realize that since this has become an issue yet again, that by staying in the closet, players are MORE likely to face scrutiny than if they came out. Just imagine having to look over your shoulder even moreso now because you are afraid the press might be following you and you are scared shitless that they will publish something about you before you have the chance to do anything about it. If a player comes out on his own, then the power is taken away from the press. They can't hold it over them anymore and players no longer have to live in fear.
No, it won't be easy and it's even harder if you are one of the big players. But just take the step and do something about it. You aren't alone. You will be supported.
And Jim Litke can go fuck off and die.
Go down a few posts and you will see my little comment I made last night about Mike Piazza, the rumors about him being gay, the denials, blah blah blah.
Well Jim Litke thinks gay players should just stay in the closet. Doesn't he realize that since this has become an issue yet again, that by staying in the closet, players are MORE likely to face scrutiny than if they came out. Just imagine having to look over your shoulder even moreso now because you are afraid the press might be following you and you are scared shitless that they will publish something about you before you have the chance to do anything about it. If a player comes out on his own, then the power is taken away from the press. They can't hold it over them anymore and players no longer have to live in fear.
No, it won't be easy and it's even harder if you are one of the big players. But just take the step and do something about it. You aren't alone. You will be supported.
And Jim Litke can go fuck off and die.
A new episode of (646) Guy should be up soon...Blogger is taking a while to publish things today apparently.
On the even better news front...I have work for the next 4 weeks thanks to Metropolitan Temporaries. FOUR WEEKS!!!! I can live in NY for at least another month or two....
On the even better news front...I have work for the next 4 weeks thanks to Metropolitan Temporaries. FOUR WEEKS!!!! I can live in NY for at least another month or two....
So the United States is going to sue Florida over voting irregularities stemming from the 2002 elections. Screw Palm Beach County....they need to look at Duval County where thousands of black voters were either denied the right to vote or were cast aside when they had questions regarding the ballot.
In Jacksonville (aka Duval County), the ballot for president was two pages. One page had the first list of candidates and the second page had the remainder. Some minority voters questioned if they were to vote on BOTH pages and were told to just read teh rules and figure it out for themselves. Well, if they were asking the question, then apparently there was SOMETHING there that they didn't understand and had the right to file their own vote accordingly, correctly, and properly. But, because there was confusion on the Duval County ballot, some people voted on BOTH pages meaning that their entire ballot was invalid.
I don't think this case is going to make it through the courts in time to impact the 2002 congressional elections though. Personally, I kinda like my voting gizmos here in New York were you have to pull the handle and then turn the dials and then pull the handle back and it's counted right then....I like that. Maybe Florida should look into those or even look into those touch panel things. Something to make it easier. I never liked punching out those holes.
In Jacksonville (aka Duval County), the ballot for president was two pages. One page had the first list of candidates and the second page had the remainder. Some minority voters questioned if they were to vote on BOTH pages and were told to just read teh rules and figure it out for themselves. Well, if they were asking the question, then apparently there was SOMETHING there that they didn't understand and had the right to file their own vote accordingly, correctly, and properly. But, because there was confusion on the Duval County ballot, some people voted on BOTH pages meaning that their entire ballot was invalid.
I don't think this case is going to make it through the courts in time to impact the 2002 congressional elections though. Personally, I kinda like my voting gizmos here in New York were you have to pull the handle and then turn the dials and then pull the handle back and it's counted right then....I like that. Maybe Florida should look into those or even look into those touch panel things. Something to make it easier. I never liked punching out those holes.
I think Christina Long is a wake-up call to parents everywhere.
Christina Long was a 13 year old student who posted provactive things on the internet and in chatrooms, met a guy she met online, and got killed. I don't know if she had the PC in herb edroom or what to a certain extent, I think the parents are partly to blame for her death. My parents had a computer and it was in the living room so if I wanted to use it I had to go into the living room WHERE THEY WOULD ALSO BE and use it. Additionally, our computer could be "locked" so if they didn't want yo on the computer, they could keep you off.
Parents please realize that your children may have a second, secret life on the Internet and unless you ACTIVELY do something about it and talk to your kids, etc etc....well you know where this is all going. Don't blame other people for your failure to keep an eye on your kids.
Christina Long was a 13 year old student who posted provactive things on the internet and in chatrooms, met a guy she met online, and got killed. I don't know if she had the PC in herb edroom or what to a certain extent, I think the parents are partly to blame for her death. My parents had a computer and it was in the living room so if I wanted to use it I had to go into the living room WHERE THEY WOULD ALSO BE and use it. Additionally, our computer could be "locked" so if they didn't want yo on the computer, they could keep you off.
Parents please realize that your children may have a second, secret life on the Internet and unless you ACTIVELY do something about it and talk to your kids, etc etc....well you know where this is all going. Don't blame other people for your failure to keep an eye on your kids.
Tuesday, May 21, 2002
Is Mike Piazza gay?
Well, that is what most people are wondering. See, the manager for the New York Mets, Bobby Valentine, made this statement to the press that baseball was ready to have an openly gay player. Most people considered this to be a sign that one of his players (and a major one at that) would be coming out of the closet. Attention focused on Mike Piazza who had to tell FOx 5 that he was heterosexual and was into doing it with women. It's kinda sad though considing the fact that he is pretty damn hunky and I dig men with goatees. Of course the goatee has to look good on them. Too many men with ugly goatees out there.
All of this comes thanks to the editor of Out Magazine (think People Magazine for the gay and lesbian community) who said that he was having an affair with a major league baseball player and it was being hushed up and he just hoped that hte guy would come out of the closet to make it easier....ON HIM....not on the player....but on him. How selfish is that? I love you so you need to come out of the closet to make my life easier. Never mind the fact that you have to deal with the public and the press and some of your fellow players freaking out because they can't deal with it and some parent who won't let their kids wear your jersey anymore because they think they will turn gay like yo....but no, honey, please please please do it to make MY life easier...
Selfish pig....
P.S. The Mountain Time Zone is now running behind that Australia/India/China/Russia timezone in terms of visitors.....
Well, that is what most people are wondering. See, the manager for the New York Mets, Bobby Valentine, made this statement to the press that baseball was ready to have an openly gay player. Most people considered this to be a sign that one of his players (and a major one at that) would be coming out of the closet. Attention focused on Mike Piazza who had to tell FOx 5 that he was heterosexual and was into doing it with women. It's kinda sad though considing the fact that he is pretty damn hunky and I dig men with goatees. Of course the goatee has to look good on them. Too many men with ugly goatees out there.
All of this comes thanks to the editor of Out Magazine (think People Magazine for the gay and lesbian community) who said that he was having an affair with a major league baseball player and it was being hushed up and he just hoped that hte guy would come out of the closet to make it easier....ON HIM....not on the player....but on him. How selfish is that? I love you so you need to come out of the closet to make my life easier. Never mind the fact that you have to deal with the public and the press and some of your fellow players freaking out because they can't deal with it and some parent who won't let their kids wear your jersey anymore because they think they will turn gay like yo....but no, honey, please please please do it to make MY life easier...
Selfish pig....
P.S. The Mountain Time Zone is now running behind that Australia/India/China/Russia timezone in terms of visitors.....
Remember That's Incredible? Fran Tarkenton, John Davidson, and Kathy Lee Crosby? People who do really stupid things or amazing things and you are just like, what genetic mutation are you? Well, it's on tonight and here I am watching it. THere's this chick named Alicia who was reading at seven months and making noises at six weeks or something like that. I remember her because she did the Romeo and Juliet scene with John Davidson. What was really funny was that she was doing a British accent rather unintentionally.....turns out she was the girl who played Cybill Shepherd's daughter on Cybill and I think she was in Mr. Holland's Opus, too.
So now I am just waiting for my chicken pizza to arrive...yes that's right CHICKEN. On a pizza......yum oh yum oh yum.....
And for the record, those of you who are reading A (646) Guy in a (212) World, Vern Yip of Trading Spaces does not come to my apartment and decorate it naked.
So now I am just waiting for my chicken pizza to arrive...yes that's right CHICKEN. On a pizza......yum oh yum oh yum.....
And for the record, those of you who are reading A (646) Guy in a (212) World, Vern Yip of Trading Spaces does not come to my apartment and decorate it naked.
I think have heard enough conspiracy theories in one day to make me laugh. The best one's so far involve how Survivor is rigged in order to help minorities and bring them prominence. They note that the four winners have been:
Survivor 1 Pulau Tiga -- Richard Hatch, gay white male
Survivor 2 Australia -- Tina Wesson, white female
Survivor 3 Africa -- Ethan Zohn, Jewish vegetarian
Survivor 4 Marquesas -- Vecepia Towery, black female.
I'm suprised they aren't picking the winner of the fourth edition to have one leg, one eye, one arm, and speak with a lisp. Some people are just looking for any reason to complain when the one they like falters...
Survivor 1 Pulau Tiga -- Richard Hatch, gay white male
Survivor 2 Australia -- Tina Wesson, white female
Survivor 3 Africa -- Ethan Zohn, Jewish vegetarian
Survivor 4 Marquesas -- Vecepia Towery, black female.
I'm suprised they aren't picking the winner of the fourth edition to have one leg, one eye, one arm, and speak with a lisp. Some people are just looking for any reason to complain when the one they like falters...
I am really curious to know who are the people in Australia/China/India/Indonesia/Russia that are reading (646) Guy. I use Sitemeter for my counter at the bottom and one of the tools is that you can see from what time zone people are accessing your blog. Between 7 - 10 percent of my hits are coming from that time if you are out there and reading, drop me a line at
I think I have had my fill of teacher-student sex cases.
Remember Mary Kay Letourneau -- the Washington school school teacher who had sex with her twelve or thirteen year old student and claimed that he was her soul mate and that they were in love? Well Vili Fualaau and his mother sued the school district and the police department for not doing anything to stop it from happening. Poor Vili now feels inadequate when he dates girls his own age and can't even get a job. Their lawyer described the relationship between himself Letourneau as "torture."
I don't know how this can be considered torture when he repeatedly had sex with her -- even when she was in jail. At the age of 12 or 13, he should have known that was he was doing was wrong (or at least illegal as there are statuory rape laws that do apply to women as well) and is just as culpable as she is for what happened. Heck they even wrote a book together professing their love for each other. How can their lawyer, Cyrus Vance (didn't he defend Charlie Manson as well?) come out and say that this kid was TORTURED when he has already stated that he was a willing participant. If Vili feels "guilt or shame" as his lawyer claims, then it's because he has been vilified (pun intended) by the press and the public. The kid tortured himself.
Even worse, the family (who I think was just out for money since they have been ignored by the media for far too long) screed themselves over. In the original trial, the mother of Vili said that her son was not a victim, yet now they are claiming something else altogether. Yes, the affair and the media attention afterwards may have had some psychological impact on the kid, but to blame other people for it is something else altogether. I just wish people would take responsibility for their actions instead of pointing the finger at others.
Remember Mary Kay Letourneau -- the Washington school school teacher who had sex with her twelve or thirteen year old student and claimed that he was her soul mate and that they were in love? Well Vili Fualaau and his mother sued the school district and the police department for not doing anything to stop it from happening. Poor Vili now feels inadequate when he dates girls his own age and can't even get a job. Their lawyer described the relationship between himself Letourneau as "torture."
I don't know how this can be considered torture when he repeatedly had sex with her -- even when she was in jail. At the age of 12 or 13, he should have known that was he was doing was wrong (or at least illegal as there are statuory rape laws that do apply to women as well) and is just as culpable as she is for what happened. Heck they even wrote a book together professing their love for each other. How can their lawyer, Cyrus Vance (didn't he defend Charlie Manson as well?) come out and say that this kid was TORTURED when he has already stated that he was a willing participant. If Vili feels "guilt or shame" as his lawyer claims, then it's because he has been vilified (pun intended) by the press and the public. The kid tortured himself.
Even worse, the family (who I think was just out for money since they have been ignored by the media for far too long) screed themselves over. In the original trial, the mother of Vili said that her son was not a victim, yet now they are claiming something else altogether. Yes, the affair and the media attention afterwards may have had some psychological impact on the kid, but to blame other people for it is something else altogether. I just wish people would take responsibility for their actions instead of pointing the finger at others.
Well I was wrong, I will have the chance to work on my blog today because they have given me nothing to do right now. I know how to use their Lotus Notes Database but that's about it. So, I'm off to go read the news, maybe work on some new play ideas, fantasize about something like being crowned Miss America or winning an Oscar or something interesting. I can probably get in an episode of (646) Guy as well.....
Just a quick note to remind you that I am not blogging as much today -- at least not until I get home from WORK!!! Yes! Work! As for today's edition of (646) Guy, it too will be done when I get home. It's another adventure of Therese and Leo....
Okay, I need to go to bed right now because it's almost 1 in the morning and I need to get to bed because I have to go to work (yes, that's right, WORK) tomorrow morning.
My friend Maev read my play, Strange Poison (which is being done in the playwright's festival at the Limelight Theatre in Florida this summer. I am incredibly excited because this is the first time that anything that I have really written will be getting an actual audience. Yeah, they play itself is a little mean and it is a dark comedy about people killing their supposed friends off with household appliances and cleaning supplies, but she really liked the dialogue and the patter I had going which means I am on a nice start for right now. On the subway home I was coming up with some nice play titles and ideas and I really need to work on doing some more of that kind of writing because I do think it's my niche. I trust Maev's opinions because she's very theatre and art literate. I might disagree with what she has to say sometimes about the play, but the important thing is that I had someone with a critical eye taking a hard look at it.
In other news, I got to see half-naked men dance tonight....that's always they weren't strippers, but they were part of the upcoming show of the New York City Gay Men's Chorus. It's a somewhat musicalized version of Armisted Maupin's Tales of the City called The Music of Michael Mouse. I love the Tales of the City series and pull them out about once a year as if I was bringing back old friends for another visit.
My friend Maev read my play, Strange Poison (which is being done in the playwright's festival at the Limelight Theatre in Florida this summer. I am incredibly excited because this is the first time that anything that I have really written will be getting an actual audience. Yeah, they play itself is a little mean and it is a dark comedy about people killing their supposed friends off with household appliances and cleaning supplies, but she really liked the dialogue and the patter I had going which means I am on a nice start for right now. On the subway home I was coming up with some nice play titles and ideas and I really need to work on doing some more of that kind of writing because I do think it's my niche. I trust Maev's opinions because she's very theatre and art literate. I might disagree with what she has to say sometimes about the play, but the important thing is that I had someone with a critical eye taking a hard look at it.
In other news, I got to see half-naked men dance tonight....that's always they weren't strippers, but they were part of the upcoming show of the New York City Gay Men's Chorus. It's a somewhat musicalized version of Armisted Maupin's Tales of the City called The Music of Michael Mouse. I love the Tales of the City series and pull them out about once a year as if I was bringing back old friends for another visit.
Monday, May 20, 2002
OK....I need someone to explain to me why I am watching the Sexiest Man in the World episode of the Ricki Lake Show? I mean besides the obvious sexual side effects of it....(can I just say that Mr. Romania and Mr. Netherlands stole my heart).
On the positive side, I have work tomorrow! All hail Custom Staffing. Granted it is just day-to-day data entry work right now, but it is work that will, for right now keep me in NYC!!! Therefore tomorrow's blog won't have the updates it has in the past few days....we shall see
On the positive side, I have work tomorrow! All hail Custom Staffing. Granted it is just day-to-day data entry work right now, but it is work that will, for right now keep me in NYC!!! Therefore tomorrow's blog won't have the updates it has in the past few days....we shall see
Okay, I just read this article where Boston's Cardinal Law says he didn't know about Father Shanley and his "past" until 1993. Now that was 9 years ago. I don't think that forgives him at all. The fact that he actively worked to either cover up the charges, keep them hidden, whatever, I thikn this man should be looked at for accessory charges. Accesory after the fact or something like that. If you didn't turn the guy over to the police, then you are just as guilty as the cardinal who actually did the deed. Only now is he rescinding Shanley's right to be a priest. That should have been done years ago when you KNEW ABOUT IT! Additionally, if you knew about a crime, no matter how long ago it took, don't you have an obligation to go to the authorities to say, "Hey something happened here and I think you should take a look at it." By not doing so, it's not doing anything to help prove that you are somehow without blame.
''The attestation that he was a priest in good standing at the time was in accord with the facts as I knew them,'' Law wrote in regards to Shanley's move to California in 1990. I find it hard that they can even think of saying that Shanley was in good standing since there were allegations of sexual abuse dating back to the 1960s(!). I mean you ran an entire you not keep personnel records or something along those lines about your priests. And do you NOT review them when you come to an archdiocese so you know something about the people who are working in your archdiocese? I find it VERY VERY VERY hard to believe that is the case. But maybe that's the HR guy in me.
Additionally, Cardinal Law said that there was never a direct intent to put children at risk. Well, if you live in your own little world then yes, there was no intent. But the fact that he kept being moved (and other priests for that matter) after being accused of molestation so many years ago shows that therewas a cover up of some sort. It is my firm belief that that any archbishop, bishop, or priest that actively works to cover up the misdeeds of another priest without reporting it to the authorities is just as guilty of the crime. Accessory before, during, or after the fact. There are crimes for that and should be enforced against those who help cover up these crimes.....
Sigh....getting off of my soapbox now.....
''The attestation that he was a priest in good standing at the time was in accord with the facts as I knew them,'' Law wrote in regards to Shanley's move to California in 1990. I find it hard that they can even think of saying that Shanley was in good standing since there were allegations of sexual abuse dating back to the 1960s(!). I mean you ran an entire you not keep personnel records or something along those lines about your priests. And do you NOT review them when you come to an archdiocese so you know something about the people who are working in your archdiocese? I find it VERY VERY VERY hard to believe that is the case. But maybe that's the HR guy in me.
Additionally, Cardinal Law said that there was never a direct intent to put children at risk. Well, if you live in your own little world then yes, there was no intent. But the fact that he kept being moved (and other priests for that matter) after being accused of molestation so many years ago shows that therewas a cover up of some sort. It is my firm belief that that any archbishop, bishop, or priest that actively works to cover up the misdeeds of another priest without reporting it to the authorities is just as guilty of the crime. Accessory before, during, or after the fact. There are crimes for that and should be enforced against those who help cover up these crimes.....
Sigh....getting off of my soapbox now.....
Oh my heck...
I have no idea how I was able to drag my tired body out of bed at 6:55 this morning to watch the CBS Early Show to watch Vecepia Towery and Neleh Dennis and Paschal English, and Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien (I love that Vavrick in the last name). As for Mark (the weather guy on the Early Show) he needs to get a hobby of his own instead of telling the fans of the show that came out to see the winner (blah blah blah yeah yeah yeah fill inthe blank here)....sigh. Some people have no couth whatsoever.
Anyway, I have a job interview today with yet another agency. Something has to give on the job front soon. Otherwise I will have to go into producing and selling porn online. Don't laugh. You think I'm kidding don't you.....I'm not....(evil grin inserted here).....
I have no idea how I was able to drag my tired body out of bed at 6:55 this morning to watch the CBS Early Show to watch Vecepia Towery and Neleh Dennis and Paschal English, and Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien (I love that Vavrick in the last name). As for Mark (the weather guy on the Early Show) he needs to get a hobby of his own instead of telling the fans of the show that came out to see the winner (blah blah blah yeah yeah yeah fill inthe blank here)....sigh. Some people have no couth whatsoever.
Anyway, I have a job interview today with yet another agency. Something has to give on the job front soon. Otherwise I will have to go into producing and selling porn online. Don't laugh. You think I'm kidding don't you.....I'm not....(evil grin inserted here).....
I just got home from the Survivor 4 finale in Central Park. I am so tired. But first and foremost, let me congratulate Vecepia (Vee) Towery (or is it Towerey?) for her excellent win tonight. I was one of the first people on my feet when the final vote was announced. My only complaint was that Rosie didn't ask who voted for who. I also want to send my congrats to Neleh Dennis (who, although I wasn't pulling for you, you looked adorable), Kathy Vavrick-O'Brien who looked STUNNING (was it just me or were you a complete ringer for Candace Bergman?), and Paschal English (who I think got the short end of the stick when he pulled out the purple rock). All four of you were fabulous competitors.
As for the rest of them....John Carroll's hair reminded me too much of Blake from the Amazing Race. My crush for John is diminishing. Zoe looked stunning though. She really did look very good on stage. Hunter looked like he had been out all night partying (and then we found out he had been out all night), and well....I would have liked to have heard from Patricia, Peter, Robert, and some others instead of having to relive Sarah and her boobs, Sean and his balls, and many other things. I think Rosie was an okay hostess because she's a fan of the show, but I don't think she was all that. There was so much more that I would have asked. But that's just me. And then they all won Saturn Vue's...couldn't she have done that on her show or something....
Well Susan and I got to Central Park around 5:30 or so and were in line to get into through the first round of security. We got into the "holding area" with our grey wristbands around 6:30 or so and were there for a long time waiting to get to our seats in the grey section which were on stage left/house right. We had a nice view of Vee and Neleh when they came onto the stage (and when Vee fell over after winning).
But there was this production assistant/audience coordinator who had pink eyeshadow on and huge earrings and looked like a whore. She was mean to everyone and totally rude. At one point they passed out blankets to us because it was outside on an ice rink and it was only 40-something degrees outside and it was windy too. So they passed out these blankets (some of which were made out of Mylar) and then five minutes later then went back to reclaim them to throw them away because they apparently made too much noises and the entire audience sounded like it was on fire (you knwo that crinkly, crackly sound of a fire...). Well, this pink eyeshadow chick who looked like she was going to have a stroke or a heart attack at any given notice because she was so overwhelmed at yelling for people to sit down and everything went around to pick up these blankets and I even saw her RIP ONE OFF of someone. She didn't ask just yanked it off of them. If I was that person I would have been in her face asking for her superior at that moment. She was really pushing the limits of professionalism.
Let's the event were:
Survivor 1 -- Richard, Sonja, BB, Rudy, Susan (who I really wanted to meet and tell her how much I adore her), and Joel. (There was someone else as well but I couldn't tell who it was)
Survivor 2 -- Kel, Jerri, Mitchell, Amber, Tina, Colby, and Rodger
Survivor 3 -- Carl, Frank, Kim J., Ethan, Jessie (who knows who else I am missing)
Amazing Race -- Frank and Margarita, Brennan (who should drop me a line so we can go drinking again), Kevin and Drew (I think Kevin recognized me), Danny and Oswald, Hilary, Shola and Doyin, and the most amazing thing of all...Alex and Tara were together (no Wil -- notice I spelled it with one L -- Wil not Will) and those two were holding hands. Rumor has it that they are engaged and living together. But we shall see....
Anyway...I am really tired. I need to go get some sleep...I have a job interview tomorrow...correction...TODAY! This morning!!!!!
Nightie night...I will post more tomorrow....
As for the rest of them....John Carroll's hair reminded me too much of Blake from the Amazing Race. My crush for John is diminishing. Zoe looked stunning though. She really did look very good on stage. Hunter looked like he had been out all night partying (and then we found out he had been out all night), and well....I would have liked to have heard from Patricia, Peter, Robert, and some others instead of having to relive Sarah and her boobs, Sean and his balls, and many other things. I think Rosie was an okay hostess because she's a fan of the show, but I don't think she was all that. There was so much more that I would have asked. But that's just me. And then they all won Saturn Vue's...couldn't she have done that on her show or something....
Well Susan and I got to Central Park around 5:30 or so and were in line to get into through the first round of security. We got into the "holding area" with our grey wristbands around 6:30 or so and were there for a long time waiting to get to our seats in the grey section which were on stage left/house right. We had a nice view of Vee and Neleh when they came onto the stage (and when Vee fell over after winning).
But there was this production assistant/audience coordinator who had pink eyeshadow on and huge earrings and looked like a whore. She was mean to everyone and totally rude. At one point they passed out blankets to us because it was outside on an ice rink and it was only 40-something degrees outside and it was windy too. So they passed out these blankets (some of which were made out of Mylar) and then five minutes later then went back to reclaim them to throw them away because they apparently made too much noises and the entire audience sounded like it was on fire (you knwo that crinkly, crackly sound of a fire...). Well, this pink eyeshadow chick who looked like she was going to have a stroke or a heart attack at any given notice because she was so overwhelmed at yelling for people to sit down and everything went around to pick up these blankets and I even saw her RIP ONE OFF of someone. She didn't ask just yanked it off of them. If I was that person I would have been in her face asking for her superior at that moment. She was really pushing the limits of professionalism.
Let's the event were:
Survivor 1 -- Richard, Sonja, BB, Rudy, Susan (who I really wanted to meet and tell her how much I adore her), and Joel. (There was someone else as well but I couldn't tell who it was)
Survivor 2 -- Kel, Jerri, Mitchell, Amber, Tina, Colby, and Rodger
Survivor 3 -- Carl, Frank, Kim J., Ethan, Jessie (who knows who else I am missing)
Amazing Race -- Frank and Margarita, Brennan (who should drop me a line so we can go drinking again), Kevin and Drew (I think Kevin recognized me), Danny and Oswald, Hilary, Shola and Doyin, and the most amazing thing of all...Alex and Tara were together (no Wil -- notice I spelled it with one L -- Wil not Will) and those two were holding hands. Rumor has it that they are engaged and living together. But we shall see....
Anyway...I am really tired. I need to go get some sleep...I have a job interview tomorrow...correction...TODAY! This morning!!!!!
Nightie night...I will post more tomorrow....
Sunday, May 19, 2002
Okay Survivor 4 whores.....Acme Brain Trust has just come out with their picks and we shall see how they say it all comes down. I like one of the two people they have in the final two but the other one can just go back to her oddly shaped state with her daisy haired mother....if Acme is right it should be interesting. Do not click on that link unless you want to be majorly spoiled (that is if they are correct.....)
Remember how I said that I wouldn't be able to post much since I was going to the Survivor 4 finale in Central Park? Well, Susan (the wonderful person who got me the ticket) and I just had dinner (Mexican food and margaritas -- at least it was margaritas for me) at Chevys and we decided to kill some time and pay $1 for 23 minuets of Internet time at this internet cafe in Times Square. So here I am stepping in one more time before I run off to see how things are going on the site.
I did get to see the Yankees pull out a win over the Twins which I thought was rather sad since the Twins are one of my favorite teams (ah, the days of Kirby Puckett climbing the wall to field a hit) and it looks like they are going to be history after this season. Let's all mourn the passing of the Minnesota Twins.
(insert pause here)
So that's the story from NYC to you later tonight when I fill you in on all that the Survivor 4 has to offer....
I did get to see the Yankees pull out a win over the Twins which I thought was rather sad since the Twins are one of my favorite teams (ah, the days of Kirby Puckett climbing the wall to field a hit) and it looks like they are going to be history after this season. Let's all mourn the passing of the Minnesota Twins.
(insert pause here)
So that's the story from NYC to you later tonight when I fill you in on all that the Survivor 4 has to offer....
Okay, today's installment of (646) Guy is up and ready for your reading. Poor Kirsten Dunst and Jimmy Fallon...
Okay, there won't be that much on the bog today. I have to head out around 2pm to head into the city because I will be in Central Park tonight watching the Survivor 4 finale. Yes, I have one of the coveted tickets. The only bad thing is that it is going to be held outside at Wollman Rink and we are just gonna be freezing our butts off. I have my coat and gloves ready to go but holy mother of God it is going to be 45 degrees as a low today. Just check that little weather box down there at 8pm EDT and you can see how much I am freezing off my tuchus...
So who do I thikn will pull out a win? See I think there is a reason that Kathy has been shown as much as she has since the start of the show. Rumor also has it that she goes on a huge immunity winning streak which could put her in the final two. The only question is -- WHO WITH?
So who do I thikn will pull out a win? See I think there is a reason that Kathy has been shown as much as she has since the start of the show. Rumor also has it that she goes on a huge immunity winning streak which could put her in the final two. The only question is -- WHO WITH?
Saturday, May 18, 2002
Just a quick shout out to all of the Susan Flannery fans out there for visiting my blog so much in the past day since her WONDERFUL win at the Daytime Emmys....I wish I could have seen her reaction shot with her winning and kissing her husband or boyfriend or lover or whatever instead of getting Susan La-Loser-Lucci going, "Susan Flannery? Me? Susan Flannery? Oh let me go out there anyway because Lord knows they are never going to give me one again for another twenty nominations......"
There is a reason why I like Frank Bielic on Trading Spaces.
See a few weeks ago, Hilda Santo-Thomas wanted to paint this womean's carpet orange. Her entire design was this orange and white deal which actually looked really nice and would have looked nicer if she had the orange carpet instead of the crappy beige carpet that the homeowner's friend pretty much demanded that she keep the same. Even Paige who has been highly skeptical of some of Hilda's desgins before admitted she was right.
So, now we're in for another round of TS and someone wants to paint the carpet -- this time it's Frank. So what does he do being the fabulous man that he is -- he just says, "Okay, we're painting the carpet and this is how you do it...," and he just started painting it...he didn't wait for any protests or people throwing themselves down on the carpet and say, "As god is my witness you shall never paint a carpet again..." And somehow he convinced this woman to use the drop cloth as a covering for...get this....the refrigerator....well it is for a playroom...
Now time for odd facts....
Hilda's paint choice is called "Eiffel Tower." She's also 41 and the Prada look she has on TV is her look in real life.
Ty Pennington's full first name is Tygert. I think the parents had to be really into Shakespeare perhaps or....I dunno.
Vern Yip was named Southeastern Designer of the Year for 2000 (or something like that....)
Paige Davis, the Broadway actress and host, lives in Brooklyn. Probably in Park Slope...
See a few weeks ago, Hilda Santo-Thomas wanted to paint this womean's carpet orange. Her entire design was this orange and white deal which actually looked really nice and would have looked nicer if she had the orange carpet instead of the crappy beige carpet that the homeowner's friend pretty much demanded that she keep the same. Even Paige who has been highly skeptical of some of Hilda's desgins before admitted she was right.
So, now we're in for another round of TS and someone wants to paint the carpet -- this time it's Frank. So what does he do being the fabulous man that he is -- he just says, "Okay, we're painting the carpet and this is how you do it...," and he just started painting it...he didn't wait for any protests or people throwing themselves down on the carpet and say, "As god is my witness you shall never paint a carpet again..." And somehow he convinced this woman to use the drop cloth as a covering for...get this....the refrigerator....well it is for a playroom...
Now time for odd facts....
Hilda's paint choice is called "Eiffel Tower." She's also 41 and the Prada look she has on TV is her look in real life.
Ty Pennington's full first name is Tygert. I think the parents had to be really into Shakespeare perhaps or....I dunno.
Vern Yip was named Southeastern Designer of the Year for 2000 (or something like that....)
Paige Davis, the Broadway actress and host, lives in Brooklyn. Probably in Park Slope...
Well, well, well....
War Emblem took home the Preakness Stakes which, coupled with his win in the Kentucky Derby, makes him the third horse since 1998 to have a chance at winning the Triple Crown (the last horse to do so was Affirmed with Alydar finishing second in each of the three races). Maybe I will go to the OTB and place a small wager in three weeks.
Oh, there's another edition of (646) Guy up...Miss America contestants beware!!!
War Emblem took home the Preakness Stakes which, coupled with his win in the Kentucky Derby, makes him the third horse since 1998 to have a chance at winning the Triple Crown (the last horse to do so was Affirmed with Alydar finishing second in each of the three races). Maybe I will go to the OTB and place a small wager in three weeks.
Oh, there's another edition of (646) Guy up...Miss America contestants beware!!!
I must be really bored today because I am sitting here watching the entire MTV Road Rules/Real World Battle of the Seasons. I'm up to the episode where they have to keep their hands on the ice sculpture of the car and if this was me, hell, I don't need it that bad (considering that I don't drive). I would have had my hand off of there so fast and been sipping down a few adult frozen blender beverages instead of freezing my body off.
Anyway, we're at the point where I just can't stand Holly anymore. At first she was all about voting out the team that was the biggest threat and then when her HUSBAND (aka Chadwick) was in the same position, she tried to jockey and make everyone think the first round was just a fluke and that they should play the game with honesty and integrity. Well, Holly, honey, you blew it when you voted out the fourth place team in the first round. should have thought about that beforehand. You set the rules and now you want to change the rules to save your husband. That is not a Christian attitude, woman.
And then, when your hand wasn't fully on the block of ice, you decided to sit there and pitch a fit and complain and bitch and moan (yet another non-Christian attitude). Your attitude sucks woman. Here you go talking about God and your husband and God and your husband and you are the biggest hypocrite in the world. You lost. You already won plenty before hand. I think the proper attitude would be, "Hey, I lost. Not a problem, it's about time someone else won something." But get all uppity and pissy. I think Theo should have bitchslapped you or at least asked for a new partner.
Now, I need some clarification. Is Dan gay? Did he come out? I know Theo is totally straight and he has the straight man's crush thing but Dan is just freakin' me out. First and foremost, he looks like he should be in an early 80s gay porn film with his hair and moustache as they are right now. But his partner thought that he would admit to a crush on Timmy when he admitted to a crush on Sean and said he liked married men. I am so confused.....someone, anyone, please help me out here....
Anyway, we're at the point where I just can't stand Holly anymore. At first she was all about voting out the team that was the biggest threat and then when her HUSBAND (aka Chadwick) was in the same position, she tried to jockey and make everyone think the first round was just a fluke and that they should play the game with honesty and integrity. Well, Holly, honey, you blew it when you voted out the fourth place team in the first round. should have thought about that beforehand. You set the rules and now you want to change the rules to save your husband. That is not a Christian attitude, woman.
And then, when your hand wasn't fully on the block of ice, you decided to sit there and pitch a fit and complain and bitch and moan (yet another non-Christian attitude). Your attitude sucks woman. Here you go talking about God and your husband and God and your husband and you are the biggest hypocrite in the world. You lost. You already won plenty before hand. I think the proper attitude would be, "Hey, I lost. Not a problem, it's about time someone else won something." But get all uppity and pissy. I think Theo should have bitchslapped you or at least asked for a new partner.
Now, I need some clarification. Is Dan gay? Did he come out? I know Theo is totally straight and he has the straight man's crush thing but Dan is just freakin' me out. First and foremost, he looks like he should be in an early 80s gay porn film with his hair and moustache as they are right now. But his partner thought that he would admit to a crush on Timmy when he admitted to a crush on Sean and said he liked married men. I am so confused.....someone, anyone, please help me out here....
I was really bored (and up at 6 am on a Saturday -- what is up with that!!!) so I did some surfing around and came across the "Which Trading Spaces Cast Member Are You? Quiz. I think people should be duly scared to realize that I matched up with.....

take the which one of the trading spaces cast are you? quiz!
Then I did which muppet are you...
Then I thought it was pretty damn cool when I got my results for which WWF (now WWE) wrestler I am...until I read the tag...

And, even though I don't watch Buffy, I did take the test anyway...
Then I had to question what random object I would be....this one was really scary....
This should be no surprise (beyond the fact that it's not 100%....)

How Gay Are YOU? [?]
Yes, I had too much time on my hands this morning....

take the which one of the trading spaces cast are you? quiz!
Then I did which muppet are you...
![]() | You are Fozzie! |
Then I thought it was pretty damn cool when I got my results for which WWF (now WWE) wrestler I am...until I read the tag...

Everyone seems to like you since you are funny and the life of the party. Take The "Which WWF Wrestler are you?" Quiz.
However, take away those few gimmicks that you keep a
crowd entertained with, and there really isn't much else left.
Created by Potman
And, even though I don't watch Buffy, I did take the test anyway...

Then I had to question what random object I would be....this one was really scary....

This should be no surprise (beyond the fact that it's not 100%....)

How Gay Are YOU? [?]
Yes, I had too much time on my hands this morning....
Remember my story about one of my former high school teacher's getting arrested for having sex with one of the students. Well apparently it's true (just click on the link for the Yahoo! news article). Now I had class with him 11 years ago when I was a junior at MHS and part of me does find it a little hard to believe that he did it.
Interesting note on the bail issue....there's one of two options:
1) He pled guilty or no-contest and therefore is awaiting adjudication. This is unlikely since it says he is being held on bail which means...
2) He pled non-guilty and couldn't make the bail of $20,000.
The drama continues.
Interesting note on the bail issue....there's one of two options:
1) He pled guilty or no-contest and therefore is awaiting adjudication. This is unlikely since it says he is being held on bail which means...
2) He pled non-guilty and couldn't make the bail of $20,000.
The drama continues.
Okay, all the ABC fans need to quite their whining. Susan Lucci lost. Susan Flannery won. Dick Clark Productions (NOT CBS!) goofed when they showed Susan Lucci and played the theme music of "All My Children." Unless PricewaterhouseCoopers or Ernst & Young come out and say, "Hey, those two kids who presented the awards were wrong when they called out Susan Flannery's name as the Best Actress in a Drama Series," then Lucci's fans can just suck it up and go replay their tapes of when Lucci won her one and only Emmy award so many years ago.
Here's what happens at award shows (and yes I do know since I have worked behind the scenes on several)...they have a rehearsal where they go through a fake announcing of the show with a fake winner. This is done to get practice with the shots. They do not reveal the winner at the rehearsals. In fact, the producers do not know who won. They have set up one "winner" screen segment with the name and category for each of the nominees. When the winner's name is announced, the producer tells the control room which set to run. In this case, with two nominees named Susan there was the chance that they could screw it up -- which they did. Susan Flannery's name was called and the producer went to a shot of Susan Lucci instead of Susan Flannery and cued up the wrong music.
I do not expect that the accounting firm of Whomever and Whatever to come out and say that they announced the wrong person. That has only happened ONCE that I know of....and they called the people the next day (it was a writing award) and there was very little fanfare. However, in this case, there could be some news if there was a change in hands.
So kiddos....SUCK IT UP! Susan Lucci lost again. When she won it was because she finally picked some episodes that actually made sense instead of her staring down a bear....
Here's what happens at award shows (and yes I do know since I have worked behind the scenes on several)...they have a rehearsal where they go through a fake announcing of the show with a fake winner. This is done to get practice with the shots. They do not reveal the winner at the rehearsals. In fact, the producers do not know who won. They have set up one "winner" screen segment with the name and category for each of the nominees. When the winner's name is announced, the producer tells the control room which set to run. In this case, with two nominees named Susan there was the chance that they could screw it up -- which they did. Susan Flannery's name was called and the producer went to a shot of Susan Lucci instead of Susan Flannery and cued up the wrong music.
I do not expect that the accounting firm of Whomever and Whatever to come out and say that they announced the wrong person. That has only happened ONCE that I know of....and they called the people the next day (it was a writing award) and there was very little fanfare. However, in this case, there could be some news if there was a change in hands.
So kiddos....SUCK IT UP! Susan Lucci lost again. When she won it was because she finally picked some episodes that actually made sense instead of her staring down a bear....
Friday, May 17, 2002
Did Rosie O'Donnell blow it for all of the Survivor fans? On her show today, she said she was hoping Kathy pulled it out an then said she had watched the final episode at Mark Burnett's insistence and pretty much knew who the winner was. So right after she mentioned Kathy, she had this "oh crap I blew it" look on her face. As my friend Peg said.....
"Well she said " I think Kathy is going to win it" then she said ( to sean) I saw it, I know who wins, but I cannot say anything, then she paused and put her hand on her mouth like Oh shit. I just did.
Just remember, Rosie blew the ending to Matthew Broderick's murder mystery play "Night Must Fall" that he did when she gave away the ending.
"Well she said " I think Kathy is going to win it" then she said ( to sean) I saw it, I know who wins, but I cannot say anything, then she paused and put her hand on her mouth like Oh shit. I just did.
Just remember, Rosie blew the ending to Matthew Broderick's murder mystery play "Night Must Fall" that he did when she gave away the ending.
Today I added the ability for everyone to leave comments about my lovely little anecdotes and opinions and so forth. So please feel free to elave me a message and say, "Brian, I think you are just full of it and this is why....."
So I saw on the news today, NBC decided to interrupt Sally Jesse Raphael (or SJR as she likes to be known) and show us President Bush complaining that people (specifically Democrat congessmen and senators) were second guessing him since it was revealed that he received information (no matter how generic) that there was the potential for an attack or a hijacking through the use of planes and additionally, an FBI office in Arizona even said that they alerted someone who later told the President that thre may be some active terrorists attending flight schools in the United States. Now, if there was the chance of a hijacking I think I would have liked to have been told or warned or something. I mean, my father does a lot of flying around the world.
So there he was telling everyone that the finger pointing has to stop and that if he knew he would have said something. Well here's my opinion, he might not have known what specifically was going to happen and I am sure that he hears plenty about possible terrorist activity within the US and I am sure he has to pick and choose what gets announced and what does not get announced. But I think there were more than enough clues from various sources that, if in the right hands, could have been pieced together to say, "Hey there is something going on here." No, I don't blame the president for the 9-11 incident because I don't think that anyone could have suspected what was going on or what was about to happen. However, I do blame him for our economy being in the crapper for the past year or so and that there are people who can't even get jobs (myself included) because he is more focused on fighting in Afghanistan instead of people here in the US who need jobs or an economic boost. It's sad.
So I saw on the news today, NBC decided to interrupt Sally Jesse Raphael (or SJR as she likes to be known) and show us President Bush complaining that people (specifically Democrat congessmen and senators) were second guessing him since it was revealed that he received information (no matter how generic) that there was the potential for an attack or a hijacking through the use of planes and additionally, an FBI office in Arizona even said that they alerted someone who later told the President that thre may be some active terrorists attending flight schools in the United States. Now, if there was the chance of a hijacking I think I would have liked to have been told or warned or something. I mean, my father does a lot of flying around the world.
So there he was telling everyone that the finger pointing has to stop and that if he knew he would have said something. Well here's my opinion, he might not have known what specifically was going to happen and I am sure that he hears plenty about possible terrorist activity within the US and I am sure he has to pick and choose what gets announced and what does not get announced. But I think there were more than enough clues from various sources that, if in the right hands, could have been pieced together to say, "Hey there is something going on here." No, I don't blame the president for the 9-11 incident because I don't think that anyone could have suspected what was going on or what was about to happen. However, I do blame him for our economy being in the crapper for the past year or so and that there are people who can't even get jobs (myself included) because he is more focused on fighting in Afghanistan instead of people here in the US who need jobs or an economic boost. It's sad.
I am addicted to watching HBO's Taxicab Confession however I think the first segment of the episode I saw went just a bit overboard. In the first segment, there was a couple with a slight age difference (about 10 years I think) and at one part, they were talking about all of the odd places they have had sex. Okay, maybe it wasn't odd as much as public. Airplane bathrooms and elevators and such. Now that's kinda the standard fare of a taxicab confession.
However, this one was not the standard fare.
First and foremost, the guy unbuttons his pants and zips them down and his girlfriend is giving him a handjob in the back of the cab. Now if I was the cab driver, I wouldn't care how much HBO was paying me, I would have been more than a litlte freaked out. That was gross. Sure enough, a few minutes later, she is straddling him in the back of the cab and they are going at it like wild animals with full grunting and groaning and everything in between. Now if that wasn't bad enough, the cab driver ADJUSTED THE MIRROR so he could see it better. She wasn't that great looking and neither was he (and neither was the driver for that matter) but the fact that they just went at it in the back of the cab and then CONSENTED to have their ride (both in the taxi and sexual sense) aired on national TV was just a little sick -- even for me. Unless there was some serious editing involved here, it took a whopping minute for the man to achieve climax.
All of this makes me wonder what kind of people would do this? I mean I enjoy reality TV and things like this.. It's a unique form of cinema verite and it can be enjoyable but this wasn't enjoyable. This was just scary. If I was these people and I had just done this, there is no way in Hades that I would have even considered signing the waiver to have that aired. You never know who is going to be watching something like this and do you you really want people to think that you are nothing more than sexual freaks.
Then again, most people know enough about Taxicab Confessions that they should think twice before they even open their mouth inside one of these cabs. By now Rita should just retire from this gig because more than enough people know who she is that she just gives it all away when she starts asking them questions. Then again, the woman just rocks. She can get people to tell her just about anything.
Rita, if you are out there, and if you are reading this....I *HEART* YOU....
And then there is this show Cheaters where people call them up to see if people's mates are cheating on them. There is something about airing your dirty laundry in public not only on TV but in front of a bunch of stranger who are just watching these people's lives get exposed in front of everyone. You just know that they are running to their cell phones or to their computers to tell all of their friends what they just saw. To top it all off, this one girl, Vanessa said she never meant to hurt her boyfriend, but my question is why did you do it? Did you just want the attention because you are an emotionally needy bitch? She says she wants to be with her boyfriend but if she did then why did she cheat on him? She even admitted to having slept with his friend and coworker four times. Once is a fling, twice you like it, but FOUR TIMES. There is something going on there. I think he was right by making her walk home like the dog she is....
However, this one was not the standard fare.
First and foremost, the guy unbuttons his pants and zips them down and his girlfriend is giving him a handjob in the back of the cab. Now if I was the cab driver, I wouldn't care how much HBO was paying me, I would have been more than a litlte freaked out. That was gross. Sure enough, a few minutes later, she is straddling him in the back of the cab and they are going at it like wild animals with full grunting and groaning and everything in between. Now if that wasn't bad enough, the cab driver ADJUSTED THE MIRROR so he could see it better. She wasn't that great looking and neither was he (and neither was the driver for that matter) but the fact that they just went at it in the back of the cab and then CONSENTED to have their ride (both in the taxi and sexual sense) aired on national TV was just a little sick -- even for me. Unless there was some serious editing involved here, it took a whopping minute for the man to achieve climax.
All of this makes me wonder what kind of people would do this? I mean I enjoy reality TV and things like this.. It's a unique form of cinema verite and it can be enjoyable but this wasn't enjoyable. This was just scary. If I was these people and I had just done this, there is no way in Hades that I would have even considered signing the waiver to have that aired. You never know who is going to be watching something like this and do you you really want people to think that you are nothing more than sexual freaks.
Then again, most people know enough about Taxicab Confessions that they should think twice before they even open their mouth inside one of these cabs. By now Rita should just retire from this gig because more than enough people know who she is that she just gives it all away when she starts asking them questions. Then again, the woman just rocks. She can get people to tell her just about anything.
Rita, if you are out there, and if you are reading this....I *HEART* YOU....
And then there is this show Cheaters where people call them up to see if people's mates are cheating on them. There is something about airing your dirty laundry in public not only on TV but in front of a bunch of stranger who are just watching these people's lives get exposed in front of everyone. You just know that they are running to their cell phones or to their computers to tell all of their friends what they just saw. To top it all off, this one girl, Vanessa said she never meant to hurt her boyfriend, but my question is why did you do it? Did you just want the attention because you are an emotionally needy bitch? She says she wants to be with her boyfriend but if she did then why did she cheat on him? She even admitted to having slept with his friend and coworker four times. Once is a fling, twice you like it, but FOUR TIMES. There is something going on there. I think he was right by making her walk home like the dog she is....
Thursday, May 16, 2002
The first edition of my fake like of A (646) Guy in a (212) World is now up. Just remember it's totally fake.....I'm sure I'll have more to say in a few hours.....
Okay I went back to bed around noon or so and woke up a little before six. I do feel a lot better and I really hope that the nap doesn't make me stay up all night again. I really do not want to wreck my sleep patterns unless I absolutely have to....I mean I will, eventually, be getting a job and I need to get one God...why aren't my temp agencies getting me work....I find this pretty silly that they can't find me even an admin position for a's just wrong.....I'll be making the rounds tomorrow....
Oy vey....for the record....I just got home.
Yes, Brian actually had a wild night on the town and with the coolest of company -- Kevin and Brennan from the first edition of The Amazing Race. I was invited to a party to celebrate the end of the second edition of The Amazing Race which was held at the Manhattan Chili Company. During the show, Danny and Oswald arrived with Brennan. They were instantly mobbed and I felt kinda bad for them because I don't think they were ready for the rabid fans. MOBBED. It took Danny over an hour to make his way towards where myself and my friends were sitting and when he did I got a wonderful hug and a big kiss on the cheek. I did get to present Oswald with the hat that I had made -- part of the gift bag was a paper hat that you got to decorate in honor of Wil's hat. I made mine in honor of Cha Cha Cha and decorated it with pictures of the two (Oswald and Danny) that we had in our gift bags. Oswald loved it and put it in his pocket. I hope he doesn't destroy it.
Anyway, after the official party ended a little before two in the morning, I got invited to come with Kevin, Brennan, Nancy and Emily (from AR1), and Mitchell Olson from Survivor 2 to do a little bar hopping in the theatre district/Hell's Kitchen. Rachel actually swung the invite using her feminine wiles and I was there for the ride. I had a fabulous talk with Nancy about how the strategy and philosophy of the second edition's players varied. Nancy is just a doll. I love her to death. She was an absolute delight to talk to tonight. She and I were both kinda fading out because we were so tired and we had to speak really loud because the piano player was singing something that made him have to wasn't pretty. After that, Rachel, Rob, Kristen and myself joined Kevin and Brennan as we went to another bar on Eighth Avenue and Kevin gave me this big huge bear hug. He was truly a nice guy....he did do a bit of lip smacking with Kristen which I thought was kinda cool...they do look good together. Brennan was in leather pants and a blue shirt and Kevin kept telling him how "gay" he looked in them. Actually, I thought he looked pretty damn good in them but that's just me....
So now I am home at almost 6 in the morning and I am really pooped....I have slept a few extra hours knowing that I would up a little late to watch the episode and hopefully meet Danny and Oswald and so forth...but now I am going to head to bed because I am so pooped....
Yes, Brian actually had a wild night on the town and with the coolest of company -- Kevin and Brennan from the first edition of The Amazing Race. I was invited to a party to celebrate the end of the second edition of The Amazing Race which was held at the Manhattan Chili Company. During the show, Danny and Oswald arrived with Brennan. They were instantly mobbed and I felt kinda bad for them because I don't think they were ready for the rabid fans. MOBBED. It took Danny over an hour to make his way towards where myself and my friends were sitting and when he did I got a wonderful hug and a big kiss on the cheek. I did get to present Oswald with the hat that I had made -- part of the gift bag was a paper hat that you got to decorate in honor of Wil's hat. I made mine in honor of Cha Cha Cha and decorated it with pictures of the two (Oswald and Danny) that we had in our gift bags. Oswald loved it and put it in his pocket. I hope he doesn't destroy it.
Anyway, after the official party ended a little before two in the morning, I got invited to come with Kevin, Brennan, Nancy and Emily (from AR1), and Mitchell Olson from Survivor 2 to do a little bar hopping in the theatre district/Hell's Kitchen. Rachel actually swung the invite using her feminine wiles and I was there for the ride. I had a fabulous talk with Nancy about how the strategy and philosophy of the second edition's players varied. Nancy is just a doll. I love her to death. She was an absolute delight to talk to tonight. She and I were both kinda fading out because we were so tired and we had to speak really loud because the piano player was singing something that made him have to wasn't pretty. After that, Rachel, Rob, Kristen and myself joined Kevin and Brennan as we went to another bar on Eighth Avenue and Kevin gave me this big huge bear hug. He was truly a nice guy....he did do a bit of lip smacking with Kristen which I thought was kinda cool...they do look good together. Brennan was in leather pants and a blue shirt and Kevin kept telling him how "gay" he looked in them. Actually, I thought he looked pretty damn good in them but that's just me....
So now I am home at almost 6 in the morning and I am really pooped....I have slept a few extra hours knowing that I would up a little late to watch the episode and hopefully meet Danny and Oswald and so forth...but now I am going to head to bed because I am so pooped....
Wednesday, May 15, 2002
As some of you know, I have been out of work since March of this year. I am doing some freelance work which doesn't pay unless one of these lawyers get hired and most of them want to be paid an astronomical amount of money which would be nice if we could actually find them a job. I have more than a few agencies working for me and I finally got one to admit that they have had jobs but they didn't think they were up to my level of work (which is a nice thing I guess but it's not getting me any money). I was offered a job doing third shift work creating Word, Excel and Powerpoint presentations but I would have to make a commitment to work there for six months -- six months at third shift would really screw up my sleep patterns and, to be honest, I really don't want to do presentation work. Granted I could make some nice money and everyone would be happy because the agency would get their money and I would get a nice chunk of money as well but is it really worth it? Sadly, that is something that it appears I may have to do if I want to remain in NYC.
I also heard today that one of the teachers at my former high school just got arrested for having sex with one of his students. He was in his late 40s/early 50s when I was there as a student which means he is now in his late 50s to early 60s. Is it just me or is that a little gross. All I could think about was how his body had to be covered in liver spots. To top it off the student was 17 years old and told her friend who told a counselor at school who told the police. I don't know if they arrested him at school during school hours or at his home or what have you. I mean I hope they did it rather discrete (or is it spelled discreet?) and called him to the principal's office and arrested him there and then took him to the police car or even better if they did it after school was over and there were no kids around. Nothing fuels speculation more than taking a teacher out in handcuffs in front of students. Ewwww.....liver spots.
I also heard today that one of the teachers at my former high school just got arrested for having sex with one of his students. He was in his late 40s/early 50s when I was there as a student which means he is now in his late 50s to early 60s. Is it just me or is that a little gross. All I could think about was how his body had to be covered in liver spots. To top it off the student was 17 years old and told her friend who told a counselor at school who told the police. I don't know if they arrested him at school during school hours or at his home or what have you. I mean I hope they did it rather discrete (or is it spelled discreet?) and called him to the principal's office and arrested him there and then took him to the police car or even better if they did it after school was over and there were no kids around. Nothing fuels speculation more than taking a teacher out in handcuffs in front of students. Ewwww.....liver spots.
Okay....someone explain to me why I am watching Scooby Doo at 2:30 in the morning....and not just any episode of Scooby Doo....this one has Sonny and Cher in it....and while I am at it...did these people NEVER change their clothes? Always in the same outfit....I would have complained to their wardrobe director...
Tuesday, May 14, 2002
Greetings and welcome to my blog. This is the first "tale" from my city -- NYC. Feel free to drop in and catch up on the "wild" (there's a reason why that was in quotes) life of one guy living in NYC...
Okay, I need someone to help me out and tell me who the heck Peyton List is. I know she is on the CBS soap, AS THE WORLD TURNS, and plays Lucy Montogomery, but if anyone can help me out that would be great. The reason I ask is that I am working the Daytime Emmy Awards this weekend as a "talent escort." Contrary to popular belief of the term "escort," I will not be having sex with Ms. List. I will be making sure she makes her way from the stage to the press area and back to her seat and so forth. It's a rather fun thing to do (even if it means that I have to be on my feet for about ten hours without sitting down). So if anyone knows who this is....greatly appreciate it.
On some really sad news, I just found out that deadline for submitting your application for the third edition of THE AMAZING RACE was extended by a week. So Todd, the guy I was gonna work with, no longer needs to feel like crap for forgetting the camera and not bringing the application with him to work. He was so upset and pissed at himself for forgetting those things and upset that he let me down that I actually feel pretty damn skippy that I get to tell him not to get pissed over it and that he can be mad at me for not knowing that they had extended the deadline by a week. Oh well...I guess it's a good thing....but then again you never know.
So that's about it....the Brian Is Unemployed and Spending Too Much Time Watching Daytime TV Marathon is now in the third month. I am slowly going insane.
Okay, I need someone to help me out and tell me who the heck Peyton List is. I know she is on the CBS soap, AS THE WORLD TURNS, and plays Lucy Montogomery, but if anyone can help me out that would be great. The reason I ask is that I am working the Daytime Emmy Awards this weekend as a "talent escort." Contrary to popular belief of the term "escort," I will not be having sex with Ms. List. I will be making sure she makes her way from the stage to the press area and back to her seat and so forth. It's a rather fun thing to do (even if it means that I have to be on my feet for about ten hours without sitting down). So if anyone knows who this is....greatly appreciate it.
On some really sad news, I just found out that deadline for submitting your application for the third edition of THE AMAZING RACE was extended by a week. So Todd, the guy I was gonna work with, no longer needs to feel like crap for forgetting the camera and not bringing the application with him to work. He was so upset and pissed at himself for forgetting those things and upset that he let me down that I actually feel pretty damn skippy that I get to tell him not to get pissed over it and that he can be mad at me for not knowing that they had extended the deadline by a week. Oh well...I guess it's a good thing....but then again you never know.
So that's about it....the Brian Is Unemployed and Spending Too Much Time Watching Daytime TV Marathon is now in the third month. I am slowly going insane.
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