Monday, August 12, 2002

I watched Sex and the City last night. It's not one of my favorite programs (although I think Samantha is just wonderful and I am more in tune to Miranda than I ever thought I would be) but here I was watching it last night as Samantha proceeded to blow her UPS-esque guy (who was also the title character in the indi-hit "Kiss Me, Guido") and Stanford hooked up with a male dancer in the Radio City male dance corps. Anyway, Miranda joined Weight Watchers to help lose the weight she gained during pregnancy (although I thought she looked fabulous as she was) and there she met Tom, a guy who I am guessing is around 6'1 - 6'3 and about 230-240 pounds -- and attractive. Miranda and Tom bonded over a shared glazed donut and then they decided to work off some "activity points" in the bedroom.

This was cause celebre (or however you spell it). Finally, they were giving the notion that people do not have to be razor thin or overly buff to be attractive. And this guy Tom...he was attractive. He's the kind of guy that I do find attractive. Okay, a nice buff body is okay to look at but I would rather my love interest have more interest in who I am as a person than what my body shape is. No, I am not a gym bunny. No I am not carved muscle. But I am a person who is worthy of love and attention too...just like Tom.

Of course, it had to end badly for Tom and for those of us like him (and those of us who liked him). While performing some cunning lingual skills (I'm sure you get the joke), he arose with, as Miranda put it, "He had me on his face..." So basically now they've gone from making Tom (who despite leaving the bed was not shown naked) into the everyman nice guy-slash-love monkey to an overeater to is sloppy in bed.

So here's my question...why couldn't Miranda have dated this guy for quite some time before letting him down. Why would Miranda have to let him down? Granted, if you want to get technical, Tom left her but still...he could read it on her face. Finally Sarah Jessica Parker's character said something that no only made sense but didn't make me want to throw something at my TV -- they are getting older and should be getting wiser otherwise they will just be left all alone. So why couldn't Tom be a nice guy for Miranda. I don't get it. Is it because he's overweight? Is that not an option for these women?

It just really irked much for progress...

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