Thursday, October 31, 2002

So I'm sitting here watching the movie version of Valley of the Dolls and can I just say that this movie is really bad. I mean there are sone BAD movie adaptations of books but this is truly one of the worst things that I have EVER seen in my entire life. The entire story was distorted and out of sequence and some major characters deleted (the senator who was supposed to marry Jennifer) and some people who died EARLY in the book who were still alive at the end (Anne's mother) and Helen Lawson was a much larger character than she was in the book. The story was totally distorted and was NOTHING like the book at all. I mean why tamper with something that was so delightfully trashy and brilliant and come up with the trite piece of crap this movie's painful to watch...NEELY O'HARA! NEEl;-EE! NEEL-EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Oh it was was really bad...

I mean I know they can't do the entire book because it would take forever, but I would love to do a miniseries out of it for HBO or something because they like that raw and in your face style that Ms. Susann had with these characters.

And then there's today's New York Moment. On the train going home, my car was filled with people entering at 9th street. Now, I'm up against the door watching these people enter and head right for me. As we get to 103rd Street, they start to press in closer. I swear this one guy was so close I could have leaned in and kissed him on the lips. I was like, whoa people...give me some room to breathe here.

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