Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Okay....we're not seeing Big Fish after all. Turns out SuitMan and I are both fans of Robert Altman.

And while I'm at it....I'm rapidly approaching hit number 100,000. Taking a page from her, should you be the 100,000th hit, send me a screenprint of the Sitemeter (located at the bottom of the page) and I will write about the topic of your choice (within relative reason...I mean it can't be something I need to do mega research on to discuss ya know) the following day.

Now, for those that are 100,001 and beyond...just in case hit number 100,000 doesn't come through within THREE DAYS of achieving said goal, person who send me a screenshot and is the closest to 100,000 will get the coveted slot.

My God that sounds way too much like The Price is Right...

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