Sunday, January 11, 2004

As many of you know, I don't post over the weekend but there was just something that happened tonight that has compelled me to return to the keyboard over the weekend...

The five guys I was dating....

....down to four.

Sadly it's one of the 2 guys that I could really get serious about too....

What's even worse....I had to find out he has been seriously dating someone for the past two months....something that he hasn't told me about. (For the record, we're talking about Kik'e, not about SuitMan.)

So here's the conundrum I am in: How pissed can I really get over this? I mean, we weren't seriously dating so to that extent I really can't get too upset. But I thought I had pretty much made it clear that I was interested in him and would like to see where it went so part of me is saying that I can get a little mad.

I guess what I'm really more upset about is that I had to hear about it from a third party and not from Kik'e himself. Here I was hearing about his new relationship for the first time and I was in complete shock. I mean I know he's been away and out of the country and in Hawaii and all and he did call me around Christmas to wish me a great holiday but...ya know...can't you just tell a guy when it's not going to work and instead lead me on to believe that I still have a chance. I mean all of our conversations involved me saying at the end something to the extent of getting together and seeing each other and he's always responded in the positive.


Men...why do I put up with this....

I'm gonna curl up in bed....alone....and go to sleep now.....

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