Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Ugh I'm such a fucking panty-waste sometimes....why do I have to give a rats ass about people's feelings and try to play it down when the truth of the matter is that they fucked up, didn't do their job, and I wound up bailing them out.


Deep breath...

Okay here's the some of you know I am the social chair of my rugby team which means I plan our post-match parties and the major social events for the team (not to mention the occasional dabbling here and there on other things). My main tactic is delegation. Find the people you trust and get them to work for you so less of the strain falls on yourself. I thought I had done that with the Wonder Twink in getting him to come through and get us a place for our end party.

He never did.

Therefore I did what I do best -- took charge and did it myself. Meanwhile after I've booked the place and gotten all of the details, I get an email from Wonder Twink (mind you he was within the deadline of what I had set) telling me that pretty much nothing had changed and he still hadn't done anything. I sent a very carefully worded email not letting him know that I had pretty much just done it for him. I thought that was going to be it.


"Well according to the email I just got it's a done deal," came his reply. I had relayed the message about securing the place to our team president who had sent it to the board in response to Wonder Twink's email about different places to look into for the party...Wonder Twink was on that mailing list.

So what do I do...I can send back a message saying, "Yeah I did it because you dragged your ass and did nothing and I needed it done much sooner so I can take the next steps in getting this done..." Or I can send back the carefully worded statement knowing that I have to play with him next season and see him at practices, events, yadda, yadda, yadda...

I did the careful message. I wanted to tell him that I needed results and he obivously wasn't providing but I held back....argh...I wanted to be honest and truthful since he's flaked on so many people as of late that it was becoming a pattern, etc etc. But I held off. I was polite. I'm still keeping him engaged in the event but also knowing that I need to be ready to make alternative plans should there be a lack of support when the time...

I just really wanted to tell him off....

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