After the match on Saturday, I went to Therapy (the bar not the actual psychological session) and had a late dinner and drinks with many jokes made about enjoying the jalepeno poppers (or as we just referred to them "poppers" which garnered us many looks..."Wow, I just love those poppers you got!")...later his friend James joined us after taking in a performance of
Chicago at the Ambassador Theatre
For the most part, I feel lucky that I was actually still awake because I was beginning to fade pretty fast but for some reason I decided that I would join SkiGuy back at his place so we could partake of the season premiere of Saturday Night Live and spend a little more time together. Frankly, I didn't think the season opener was all that great and I was waiting for Weekend Update because I'm a real whore for Tina Fey. SkiGuy and I curled up on his somewhat uncomfortable couch, watched SNL, and made out...
Around 1:00 in the morning, we were both kinda beat and he turned to me and said..."'s you want to head home or..." and he kinda trailed off not finishing his sentence but letting me know that it was okay that if I wanted to spend the night with him I could. Of course the fact that he did want to invite me up to his place the night before didn't escape my mind either.
"To be honest," I started off slowly, "I'd rather not..."
With that we adjourned to his bedroom where he gave me a t-shirt to sleep in along with my boxers and we curled up in bed, kissed some more, kinda groped each other some, kissed a bit more, and finally bedded down for the night (which invariably had a few kissing sessions in it as well). No sex, but a lot of cuddling which was rather nice. Early the in the morning when I had to get up to go to the bathroom, I came back to the bed to find that he had "stolen" my pillow and was cuddling up with that rather than with me...
Finally we got up around 10:30 or so, took a shower and headed out to have brunch. SkiGuy picked up his favorite Sunday mock reading, the New York Post, while I found a Learning Annex brochure and I always get a kick out of some of the "seminars" they offer from "Make Your Own Home Adult Movie!" to "Make Your Own Natural Perfume" to, my personal favorite, the seminar entitled "Learn How to Make $10,000 Giving Seminars!" I, of course, think Step One for that is, "Associate yourself with the Learning Annex to gyp people out of money!"
After brunch, it was after noon and I really needed to get home and take care of some things there so I hailed a cab (the first one having no idea how to get to Greenpoint so thankfully I disembarked before he took off) and headed home where I really got nothing done but more sleep to make up for what I missed out on when I was in bed with SkiGuy. Is it just me or is it hard to actually
sleep in the same bed with someone the first time because you're trying to get used to someone else in the bed to begin with and how they prefer to sleep, etc etc...maybe it's just me...