Friday, October 08, 2004

Divider Not a Uniter

No...I didn't get the quote wrong. I know Bush said he was a "uniter not a divider" but when you look at what has happened to the local paper in Crawford, Texas it really makes you wonder how true of a statement that really is...

For the record, the Crawford, Texas, newspaper endorsed John Kerry for President citing issues in the president's performance over the past four years. They were alternately praised and ridiculed for doing so receiving some emails that even made me shudder because they were just...well...let's just say it didn't put them in a good position. Some people cancelled subscriptions and some advertisers pulled their spots as well. To counteract that, people have been writing in and buying subscriptions (including me) to support them in this time...

Personally, I can never remember a moment in my lifetime when our country was so politically polarized between the parties. And, frankly, I don't see it getting any better anytime soon...

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