Monday, November 17, 2003

Because it's the only way to get everything out about this weekend....

Monday Meltdown

So...the East Coast Invitational Weekend went off without a hitch this weekend. There was some ever so brief tension when what was supposed to be a full bus of people went off with just half of us on it but that, I learned, was because some people were riding back from the party but not to the party. My only problem with the party were those who opted to use the Super Soakers on those of us who were fully clothed and not partaking of the pool festivities. Granted I didn't get as wet as my roommate who got tossed in fully clothed but it was pretty bad. I had a lot of fun hanging with the guys from Atlanta, Philly, and Boston and totally kicked ass with one guy from my team in Pictionary. And when I mean kicked ass, we were already two-thirds of the way around the board before one of the other teams got to move. I thanked my stream of consciousness ramblings on getting such odd things like "laptop computer", "World War I", and "Pounce" done in seconds. I got to drive the roomie's truck back into town because he wasn't sober enough to do it himself and considering the fact that I had my last drink about two or three hours prior. It's the second time I have driven his mammoth truck with the first being the year before when I first met him and I drove him to the hospital after he tore his ACL.

The rugby itself went off well and I got some great pictures that I will share later I am sure. Our Blue team won it's match against Philly while the Gold team lost to Boston. The Philly team then took on Atlanta and beat them and that was followed by a "whores" match where all of the teams were mixed up for some rugby fun. This was then followed by a trip to the Eagle for our drink up where we crammed as many people in to the second level of the bar for some beer, some grub, and some rugby songs. One of the guys on the Atlanta team, who I will admit to wanting to meet ever since my contact on the Atlanta team sent pics of the guys over, did give me a nice kiss. Of course the fact that I told him he had to give me a kiss in order to get back into the party after bidding his aunt (or at least I think it was his aunt) adieu. He gave me a nice kiss which I jokingly said lacked tongue and he said it was for the next kiss. Well I had to wait for that one but I did finally get a second kiss...and a third....and a fourth... He was supposed to come to the post-party party but never showed up...But that was okay (although it would have been nice to hang with him at the party and get to know him better but it's okay since I do have his email address from the listings I got from Kevin on the Atlanta team) I can still contact him. It was actually rather funny because I got a few people on the team a wee bit jealous because they had their eyes on him too...and I got a little make out time with him.

The following day was spent at the Gay Life Expo where I bought a kilt (and kept giving Faustus money for CheerNY if he would keep molesting me) but that's anotehr story.'s a Utilikilt and it's in black and it looks great I think. I have to save up to get the really good leather one though. I may combine the kilt with some formal wear and wear it to a few parties later this year. Hmmm if I host the bachelor auction for the rugby team next year I may wear it there as well. Anyway...while I was down there and bringing a litany of my team members down to try them on because was pretty comfortable, I noticed one of the guys at the booth who I thought was pretty cute and he and I started talking. He lives in Philly, he's 29, he has a day job and is going to get his masters degree as well. He's got a great smile and his name his Drew. Well...we started talking and he asked, rather bluntly, if I had a boyfriend or was seeing anyone and I said no and ultimately we started talking about school and tennis and everything and I wound up getting his phone numbers and email address. We then proceeded to have about fifty goodbye moments (kisses, hugs, etc) to the point where we couldn't say goodbye to each other anymore because we knew it wasn't gonna happen.

Finally, we did have to say goodbye because he was heading down to a bar with some of the Atlanta guys and I really needed to get home because I was exhausted from the entire weekend. So while they were doing that, Drew kinda took me aside and we were hugging because we knew this was the real goodbye coming up and he asked me something that really made me feel good because...well, was a real ego boost... He asked how a guy like me could live in NYC and still be single. I in turn said that I was just waiting for him to come along but I then got honest and said that I pretty much just started dating again after years of doing other things and not focusing on my love life. We're going to make plans to get together soon and see where it goes. He's a super sweet guy and apparently very smart and witty....and then there's that smile. He's got a fucking awesome smile.

So I went home playing with my new cell phone along the way since my previous one pretty much died after being out in teh cold and was never the same afterwards and did some work. I gave Drew a call but I figured he was either at the Dugout or on the train heading home and couldn't hear me. I crawled into bed with every intention of getting up early to go to the gym. And I slept in late...

Oh well...I had a long weekend. I deserved it. Just like I deserved Faustus tonguing my ear.

P.S. And while I'm at it...we all need to head over here and give this guy a hug since he thought I was a woman for an entire week before he realized I was gay. And then you need to give me once since someone thought I was a woman (Crash, bite your tongue).

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