Tuesday, March 18, 2003

Having all this time off to do things around the house is just really odd. I'm not sure of what I can and cannot do and what I should be doing. I mean I know I should be cleaning but living the life of leisure for a week while I lounge around and go to the gym when I want to do and pretty much have fun is a bit more than what I can handle.

I watched a little of our president's speech on TV today because dear God I could not handle it live last night (I opted for the stand by Game Show Network instead). I think our president is insane. I think he just wants to have a war to have a war. I think that he thinks it would be good for our economy. I think he's a whiner. I don't think he's courageous. I think he's a bully. And an arrogant one at that. I've never trusted him. One of the guys on my rugby team said that if the president wants to go to war then he must have a reason for it and he says he has this evidence to prove his position. My response was if he has it then he should show it. I personally do not trust our government on blind faith alone. I think we all know that would be just a little too naive of anyone. My teammate's response was that whatever evidence he has, if shown, could spur some negative action on the part of Saddam Hussein. Well, my response was, you just can't expect me to believe you without showing me some proof.

I never thought I would side with the French on anything (even though I work for a French bank) but they are starting to make a lot of sense. All of these Freedom Fries, Freedom Toast, Freedom Kisses, Freedom Ticklers....it's all making us look like a bunch of stupid assholes. God, sometimes I wish people would just dig their ass out of the ground (and by ass I mean head) and look around and realize that what we are ultimately doing is painting a huge target on our country and our citizens for future attacks. No, we aren't stopping the war on terrorism. We are escalating it.


Off my soap box.

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