Monday, September 20, 2004

Birthday Bash Breakdown

So, yes, I did turn 30 on Friday as compared to the 34 that he claimed I turned. Frankly, the only reason he said I turned 34 is because it would put me closer to his own age and not make him feel so old. Which is actually kinda sad when he's actually 44 and not the 36 that he claims (or whatever age he claims).

Anyway, I made it to Siberia a little after 7 and found her on the couch. Within seconds, I was surprised to see SuitMan emerge from the downstairs performance space. Now SuitMan had told me it was somewhat possible that he could make my party but I shouldn't count on it. But, sure enough there he was and within seconds I had a beer from him and from Caryn in my hands and I was drinking from both of them. (For the record, I consumed only three Red Stripe Lagers that night which, I have to admit, was pretty good on my part.)

A few minutes later, Daniella showed up followed by one of my rugby teammates (and was later joined by him, him, and, quite belatedly I might add (although it was still great to see him since the last time he saw me I was naked wrapped in Saran Wrap), him). I must say that Daniella was using her mammary assets to their best effect with her nice tank top. We tried to do a little dance to Donna Summer's "Last Dance" but that ultimately failed because the heels she was wearing that night were not conducive to big disco spins. Now, mind you, this was also the first time that Caryn, Daniella, and others had gotten to meet any of the men from what Crash termed my "harem." Mind you, I had to tell them which person he was but they were all very intrigued I can assure you...

Now the kicker of the entire night was when I learned that SuitMan in fact had found my blog and read a part of it before realizing that the situation described in one entry was eerily similar to a conversation that he and I had earlier that week. I was totally horrified about him finding out about it because I had taken great pains to 1) not tell him about it and 2) never use his real name in any of the entries, and, doubly certain that I had never used my last name in any of the posts on here. Caryn kept telling me that I needed to chill because the only person making a big deal out of it was me. Frankly, I still think I would have liked to have been in the closet (so to speak) on his knowledge of this site. Oh well...if you're reading this now, SuitMan, well...HI!!! :)

SuitMan did, however, give me a series of very short, quite hot, make you melt kisses before he left as he had tickets to the Phil Collins concert. Now, to the normal person, this would not be a big deal, but considering the fact that when he and I were...well I don't know if you can call it dating...but whatever we were doing last year that involved a lot of sexual tension but no sex whatsoever included no kissing at all. I mean there were the hello and goodbye kisses but nothing with any heat behind them. Let me just say there was some heat here.

Thankfully SkiGuy wasn't there at the time otherwise I would have never let that happen. And since we're on the topic of him, SkiGuy did show up and gave me a gift -- a really nice black and silver picture frame. I introduced him around to everyone and let the gang in on his other secret identity as SkiGuy. One of the best parts of him being there was watching him at the bar doing a little dance to whatever was playing on the jukebox. Technically, he was doing what my high school chorus termed the "Tennessee Tush Push" which was the little dance I did with my butt when I served as student director the men's ensemble. My butt would move with the rhythm of whatever we were singing and get the image. So there was SkiGuy at the bar, Tennessee Tush Pushing away and I have to say, he does have a great butt -- something in which Daniella and I found immediate agreement. At one point, I was very tempted to grab a handful of that butt and blame it on the three Red Stripes but I was a good boy. Sadly, SkiGuy, too had to run off and we did share a nice longish kind of hug and a sweet kiss before he had to go. Not the heat and passion of SuitMan but just enough to really make me miss him after he was gone.

Ugh, what a whore/slut I am...and what a quandry to be in...

Anyway...ultimately, I had to run out around 10:00/10:30 or so as I had a rugby match the next day in Montauk to go to and that required me to get up at the crack of ass to get on the bus for the incredibly long trip out to the opposite end of the island. Mind you, everyone thought it was rather lowbrow that I was leaving my own party but considering that I had the trip ahead of me the next day, I think it was a little warranted that I get some sleep. Of course, I knew it was going to rain but who knew it would be that hard. Granted, I did ask our coach if we loaded the ark two by two when I arrived, we were still able to get out to the pitch okay, weather the storm which we were ever so slightly ahead of throughout our trip to the match, and by 2:00 we were able to play.

I did get to play in my first match in almost a year as I took in the first half of the B side match before letting one of the rookies come in for the second half. My scrumming technique needs improvement or I need more experienced locks behind me or both as I got hammered in the scrums way too much and had an inexperienced lock pushing on me before we had the "engage" call in some scrums. No matter how hard I pushed back I never felt I was holding him off as he just pushed even harder. I did stand up at one point before a scrum engaged and turned to him and said, "Don't push." That seemed to do the trick although I never did feel fully comfortable in the scrums. But that was just me...

So that was the the fuck was yours?

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