Monday, March 29, 2004

In a case of being 1) a total flirt and 2) a total asshole, I had quite a bit of fun on Saturday.

As I overslept and didn't make it to practice with the team on Saturday, I did join them for lunch at Dallas BBQ afterwards and wound up sitting next to one of the new guys who has caught many a lustful gaze from some of the veteran team members including one who latched himself onto him the second he saw him (much to the amusement of many people).

So let's see...we'll call the new player The Rookie and the other guy....PITA...which is just my personal nickname for him which one day I may explain....

So The Rookie was sitting next to me and PITA was across from us when my jumbo sized alcoholic beverage (okay a frozen apple martini) arrived complete with a marachino cherry with a stem. Now I've never really been a fan of marachino cherries. They're okay but they just don't seem to do it for me. Anyway, I picked up the cherry and turned to The Rookie and jokingly said, "Wanna pop my cherry?"

The Rookie laughed, opened his mouth, and one of those backwards nods to indicate that yes...he would indeed pop my marachino cherry of course. I put it in his mouth and gave the stem a gentle tug and thus the flirtation was over. What I learned later was that PITA had this glare on his face as he was watching me do this to The Rookie (who really is a nice guy and happens to be in the middle of breaking up with his current boyfriend that lives with him and yadda yadda yadda...I may be dating a few people but I am so not a rebound guy). PITA didn't say anything but from what I was told, the look on his face was one that was pissed that 1) I was doing it, 2) it wasn't him, and 3) he didn't have the chance to do it.

The Rookie is a nice guy as much as I may lust after him, I'm still committed to not messing around with any of my teammates so as not to cause problems should anything negative happen.

That being said...should something happen...he would be the first to test that conviction...

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