Sunday, June 20, 2004

They are at it again...

I had to call the cops on the woman upstairs again.

She had been yelling, screaming, and ranting since at least 9:00 tonight if not earlier telling her husband to come home and get all of his things, how she was going to get a restraining order against him, she was going to call the cops. On and on and on.

And not just one phone call. Several.

From what I can gather from the screams is that she does not get along with his family. She's been called a whore and worse by his father (and maybe him too) and he may or may not already be with another woman. I did hear her scream something him being a married man which also made me wonder if she was the "other woman" in the situation.

Finally, the guy came home and she was a banshee in heat with her volume and intensity to the point where 1) I was sick of it because she wasn't being quiet and in doing so was pretty much making it miserable for everyone else in the floor below and above her and 2) I felt like I needed to bring the cops back in or it would just keep going for another few hours and I wasn't going to take it anymore. So I called the cops on her.


I know I did the right thing in case it turned physical (which at one point I thought it had) but part of me kinda feels selfish about interfering in this woman's life because the only thing that she was really impacting was my ability to sleep (well maybe not just my ability to sleep but you get the idea). I don't know her, I don't know her situation or anything, I don't even know what she looks like. But I know she can scream. AND LOUD!

The police arrived and knocked on her door and the first thing she commented on was how the neighbors were sticking their noses in once again. Apparently she didn't care about the fact that she was also keeping us awake and airing her dirty laundry all at the same time. What I did hear prior to the officers entering her apartment and shutting the door was that she was in fact divorcing the man who was yelling back at her that HE was leaving HER (and not the other way around) and that he wasn't giving her alimony or support or anything. I did hear one officer remark that alimony was only awarded when the divorce was finalized and that her husband wasn't obligated to give her anything...I'm not exactly sure how accurate that last statement was but oh well that's what was said...she didn't take it that well either...

Anyway, I dunno if the police have left or not but part of me is really tempted to go up to this apartment in the middle of the night and tape a note to her door that says, "Next time you decide to scream for three hours, think about your neighbors and everything that they hear. Then decide if you really want to do it."

But knowing me I'll chicken out thinking that she'll open the door right as I'm putting the sign up.....

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