Friday, August 20, 2004

The Return of SkiGuy

First and foremost, I have one my rugby teammates on bitchslap alert if I start to wax a little too poetic about SkiGuy so I'm covering all of the bases to keep me grounded a bit more than before.

Wednesday, I got together again with SkiGuy for the first time since February. We decided to start with drinks at Therapy and then, should the mood strike us, move on to dinner afterwards. Around 5:30, I got a call from him and I panicked for all of about three seconds thinking that he was cancelling on me for some reason but he was just alerting me to the fact that he was running a little late and I breathed a somewhat easy sigh of relief.

I got to the bar around 6:10 and sure enough he was already ordering his first drink(Stella Artois) while I, desperately needing something with a high amount of alcohol after the shitty day I was having opted for a Long Island Iced Tea. Now, not only are the drinks at Therapy rather large (it was perhaps the largest LIIT I had ever seen) but they are rather potent and after just half of the drink, I was already a wee bit lightheaded. Thank God I didn't ask that they substitute midori for the Coke otherwise I would have been shitfaced.

The best part of the night (well one of the best parts) was rediscovering how much I love actual conversation. SkiGuy is a master of it. On our first date we covered things from the Miss World Pageant to triple tax exempt mutual bonds and this time we hit religion, work, rugby, the Olympics and everything in between. And he gets so animated when he talks! The hands, the touching (he's apparently a very hands on talker) everything was pretty nice. Hell, I even got to see a little of his stomach as he made some comment about being fat (which trust me he's not) and he lifted up his shirt to pinch his imaginary stomach bulge.

We ultimately did decide to venture on to dinner which I took as a good sign and I introduced him to the world of McHales and their hamburgers. We both opted for a bacon cheeseburger with Monterrey Jack and split an appetizer of calamari. He had a great view of TV so he could watch the Olympics while I had a great view of him. He did offer me the chance to sit next to him in the booth but I immediately (and I don't know why to be honest) chose to sit across from him instead. The first thing that was on the Olympics was the shotput competition and SkiGuy made a comment about the relative attractiveness of the men on TV. I responded to that with a joking comment about "cruising other men when you're out with me" which was rewarded with a very nice compliment in my direction.

Conversation at dinner turned a little...well...shall we say...racy? Yes, we started talking about sex and I actually learned a little more about the history of SkiGuy. Turns out that he really didn't have sex with men...okay he was a virgin to the joys of man-man sex until he was 28. Actually, the best part came when he said that it was Robin Byrd that turned him gay as he actually called in to one of the phone lines advertised on her late night show. I won't go into the details (although they are rather amusing) but Robin Byrd helped him come out of the closet. And that alone cracked me up...but again the conversation side of the evening resumed and we talked about travel and trips we had taken, where we want to go, why gay men are really black women, and the fact that I own a kilt and have worn it on various occasions and what I have (and have not) worn underneath it.

After dinner, we were walking up to the subway so I could head back to Brooklyn and get some sleep. We talked about movies and theatre and everything as we walked.

"I'm stuffed. How about you?" he asked me...AS HE RUBBED MY STOMACH....

"Were you trying to feel me up?" I shot back, wondering what the answer would be.


"Damn..." We both grinned over this exchange and he rubbed my stomach one more time and kinda moved a bit higher with his hands.

When we got to my subway stop we talked for a bit more and finally he looked and me and said, "I had a lot fun tonight." When I agreed that I had fun as well, he leaned it and gave me a short kiss on the lips. I didn't know what to do or say at that point so I just kinda stood there wondering if I should go in for more or perhaps just accept what I had and head to the subway. I did the latter and we laid the groundwork to get together again soon...

And I've been good about it too...I haven't called him since the date and if anything I'm going to hold off until tomorrow before I talk to him again...not to rush anything ya know...

SkiGuy...he's back...for now at least...

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