Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Time for a somewhat gross posting...most of you know that during a practice one of the players pretty much squashed the living hell out of my toe causing blood to become trapped under the nail, having to release the blood from under the nail so the pressure would be less, same nail turning a lovely shade of yellowish-brown and slowly....very slowly, started to die.

Last night in the shower at the gym the toenail finally came off. Okay it came off except for one piece that insisted on hanging on as long as it possibly could until I finally yanked it out. Underneath, though, was a part of the toenail that is still clinging on for dear life...also there was this stuff that was on the underside of the toenail that rubbed off onto my fingers and smelled like...well it most closely smelled like toejam but it was a different stench and let me tell you that stench was hard to get off of my hands (okay, Crash, you so know you want to perv that line!)....

So here I was in the shower, holding onto my toenail and wondering what the heck is going to happen now to my toe? I'm assuming that a new nail will grow in its place but will it grow over the toenail that's still there. But it's just an odd sensation not having one there...or a partial one at least.

Okay maybe not as gross as I thought....

And while I'm at it...let me brag just a little bit...I passed the test yesterday afternoon to be a contestant on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? and am, I guess, in the contestant pool. I will be getting a post card in the mail in a few weeks telling me more. Of the 85 of us (or somewhere along that number) that took the test, only 15 of us passed. I thought I had failed for sure but then again I always think those things when I take these tests....

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