Sunday, November 17, 2002

So my first rugby match was yesterday. I cannot wait to get into the gym to get more stamina so I can be a better player. I will even admit to breaking a few rules because I knew that the ref couldn't see me. We were in a ruck situation which means you cannot use your hands to release the ball but there we were and I, of all people, had the ball in my hands and I did not panic (that part is the most shocking to me) and I knew we were in a ruck situation but I knew that I couldn't use my hands but I had my hand near the ball and starting pushing it towards my teammates even though I had one person yelling at me that I couldn't use my hands. Part of me wants to yell out to him to shut the hell up beacuse I knew that the ref couldn't see me so I figured I would at least make a chance at getting the ball out to our guys. I did got in one good tackle (which was my main goal for the game besides playing hard and strong for the side B game) where I just dragged one guy down to the ground and it felt fabulous.

My big problem was that I did not have enough scrum experience in order to be an effective prop (that's my position) and it's something that does come with experience. When the scrum was to engage I kept lifting my rear end instead of pushing up with my legs. Also the props for the Boston side were incredible. They were strong and powerful and were pushing and driving and I think we were lacking that because it was my first game and I didn't know many of the skills needed to be an effective prop forward.

Anyway, the worst part of the game came when, yes, I got injured. It was during a scrum and I lost my footing on the muddy ground and went sliding in the ground. The scrum collapsed on top of me, I got twisted around and felt that "wonderful" (please note the sarcasm) pop in my chest. I tried to get back up but the pain was pretty damn intense and I couldn't catch my breath because I couldn't take deep breaths. Now, I still have to get it formally checked out by my doctor or hospital. Yes, it's something I plan on doing today...According to the delightful Shelley, our on site medic, I either tore the muscle in between my ribs, broke a rib (or two), or just bruised my ribs. All I gotta say is I need some major pain killers. Remember now, I sleep in a loft bed...Getting out of bed this morning was hell. Just trying to sit up was hell...

I was so pissed that I couldn't return to the game because I trained long and hard for the game and to get to play just the first half of the first half (if that makes any sense) was pretty disappointing for me. I know that there is pretty much nothing I could have done about it or prevented it. Even though I heard from a lot of people that I put forth a good effort, I guess for me it wasn't good enough and I wanted to do more. But hey...I got in my one good tackle and I put in a few good hits and I didn't panic when I got the ball so I really can't complain...okay I can but I won't. I'll just be happy with what I accomplished and go from there. I cannot wait for my next game...

And on a small side note...I left the disc with the picture of my 57.600 point word, but I passed it along to my competition so she could feel the pain! As soon as I can get it done I'll be a happy man...

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