Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Reagan and Me

I'm conflicted over this whole Reagan thing. For all of the work he failed to do in regards to rise of AIDS in the early 1980's (that had it been done, who knows how many people could still be here) and how much I hate him for that, part of me goes out to him as a person for his bout with Alzheimers and how he gradually lost all of his memories to the point where he didn't even recognize Nancy anymore. It had to be scary and not only for him but for his family as well.

Today, I learned that since some banking markets would be closed on Friday for the Reagan funeral and, therefore, some banks would be closed as well.

Not us. We will be here. Part of me is sad not to have a day off to take of things I need to at home. But part of me is glad that I won't have to take off a day from work to recognize a president that everyone is currently deifying without recognizing the flaws in his administration and presidency. Death to communism -- a good thing. Death to millions of Americans due to ignorance -- a bad thing.

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