Friday, October 04, 2002

I'm still confused about last night. Shockingly enough, I am not referring to Survivor or any reality TV show.

As some of my friends know, I have been carrying on a running conversation with this really nice, cute guy named Steve from New Orleans who was considering moving to NYC and was coming up to scout out the area and look at apartments and so forth. From the pictures we exchanged, we were both attracted to each other and had, for the most part, become friends.

Last night, I met Steve for the first time and he was just as adorable as his pictures. His friends in Louisiana had recommended that he go to The Lure, a bar located on 13th Street near the river. Now the Lure is known for it's leather and uniform crowd that inhabits its confines on the weekend. Generally, the "dress code" isn't enforced during the week but it is on the weekend.

Anyway, Steve and I made our way down there and we kinda cruised around. When we arrived it was somewhat empty although I did run into someone from the chorus that I knew. But, for the longest time, it was an S&M joint -- Stand and Model. We were watching some guys play pool when Steve wanted to run to the bathroom and grab another beer. And that's when it happened. I was watching the pool game in progress when I noticed that one of the guys was checking me out. You know that feeling you get when you're being stared at? Well I got that feeling and it didn't take long for me to figure out who as giving it to me.

Yep, I was getting cruised at The Lure.

The guy's name was Will. He's Puerto Rican, former Army, and lives in Brooklyn. My first reaction when I saw him was, "He's cute," but I really didn't do anything or think anything of it because I was there with Steve, although it was becoming more of a friend "with" than a possible date/lover "with" and I was more than okay with that. In between shots, Will came over and stood next to me and we struck up a conversation. When Will took to the table to do his shots, Steve came back and my friend from the chorus, Greg, came over so now there are two guys flanking me and one guy playing pool who is not sure what to make of it. Will kept talking to me and we kept exchanging looks anyway which prompted Steve to say, "Well someone has a fan."

To make this really long story as short as possible, as the night progressed Will and I talked quite a bit about who we are and what we are like and things like that. Then we started making out. Yep...I made out in The Lure with a guy named Will. Now, I know this is going to sound wrong, but while I was making out with Will, I was secretly hoping that Steve wasn't getting upset about it (given the nature of some of our conversations). If he was, he didn't show it and I took some pretty good natured teasing from him. And who is he to complain, he took Will's friend Pat back to his hotel room. He said they weren't going to do anything considering that Steve is sharing a hotel room with his friend Doug but who knows. I would have gone for it.

Anyway, Steve and I are going to a party tonight and possibly to a rugby game on Saturday. I think we're going to be very good friends and well...I have Will's number, he has mine...I'm sure he and I will be talking...

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