Tuesday, September 03, 2002

I finished second in the Bloggys voting for Most Humorous Blog so I thank everyone who voted for me. It is greatly appreciated!

Anyway, today I had my interview with the HR department for that position in the team that I am currently working on. It went well but we shall see what happens. So far everyone that I have spoken to at this company loves working here which is a first for ANY company that I have worked at before. I also hear that the pay is above average compared to other companies. I am not going in expecting to make a bundle in my first year, but anything has to be better than what I am making now.

In other news...well there is no other news besides the fact that my roommate moved out and now I have a couch full of books that I plan on donating to the Salvation Army or something like that. I would donate to the local library but I don't believe they will come and pick them up. I know the woman at work here was interested in some of them so I need to put together a bag of them for her and whatever she doesn't take I will ditch somewhere. I think I am condensing about one entire bookcase when this is all over and done with....That is rather sad considering that I still have boxes of books that I am KEEPING....Oy vey I need to dump some more!

After books it's clothes....so one thing leads to another....

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